I went to a New Years party last night on Smith Lake. It's easy to fool the young and the very old but when was the last time a 30 something didn't know everything?
I went to the car to bring in some food from the trunk and got this idea that our local Black Bear population needed some pumping up. A quick google got me pictures of a reasonable landscape and an obviously hungry Black Bear with menacing eyes glaring from the darkness.
As if I had taken the photo the snipe hunt begins. With great excitement I explain what happened, my 7 year old grand daughter rushes to the door to see the bear, my son and his sister grab their cameras and coats to chase down this intruder. I turned off the front light and locked the door. They spent a good 20 minutes with their flashlights swinging wildely around in the trees while some of us old timers watched from the comfort of the cabin.
We actually got bored and went back to preparing dinner.
These two never saw a bear but the local Tom prowling around scared the bejesus out of them!
The moral of this story is:
A.Don't make fun of old people for their apparent lack of talent in using modern technology.
B. If you are tempted to roll your eyes at the naivety of your 7 year old Daughter again ....... I'll probably remember to tell this story.
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