I am in the market for a 20C and I'm trying to figure out where I can house it without busting my budget. This will be my first personal aircraft and I'm still trying to learn all the in and outs of ownership. So with that in mind, I have a couple of question.
I am looking for some hangar space at either Hampton Road Exec(PVG), Norfolk (ORF) or Chesapeake Regional. I have already check with Chesapeake Regional and they are asking $350/month for a twin hangar and I can't afford that, nor do I need that much space. I would be willing to share hangar space with someone but I really don't know where to start looking. If anyone has some connections, please let me know. I would like to keep the cost around $200/mo if possible and I do not need anything fancy, just something to keep the plane out of the elements.
Additionally, I am not against renting it out to a local club to support some of the maintenance costs but once again, I know nothing about this. Can I get some opinions on the topic from those who may know more? I plan on using the aircraft about once, maybe twice a month for a total of about 5-10 hours. Does it make sense to keep it flying rather than just collect dust?