If this applies to you...
By the time you are able to afford private aviation, you may not be able to qualify for a class 3 medical...
Or become familiar with what is called an SI, for Special Issuance.
Science and medicine has come along way since the FAA invented the class three medical...
The following is written by AOPA, where I am a member...
Please contact your Senators and Representative (contact information below) and politely ask them to co-sponsor the General Aviation Pilot Protection Act. A phone call generally creates the fastest results.
Senator Robert Menendez, (202) 224-4744, or leave message on website at http://menendez.senate.gov/
Senator Cory Booker, (202) 224-3224, or leave message on website at http://booker.senate.gov
Congressman Leonard Lance, (202) 225-5361, or leave message on website at http://lance.house.gov/
When you call, tell them you are a constituent and that:
You support H.R. 3708 (Rokita) in the House and S. 2103 (Boozman) in the Senate.
These bills expand on the FAA’s successful sport pilot medical standard.
This measure will save pilots and the FAA money and time.
These bills address the number one concern of pilots.
General aviation is a vital part of the nation’s transportation system and we hope our Congressman/Senator will cosponsor.
There are a number of Representatives and Senators that have already signed on as cosponsors to these bills. See a list here. In the event that one of your congressmen is already a cosponsor, we encourage you to write a note of appreciation and thank them for being one of the first to support this critical legislation.
Thank you,