There is 530W on Ebay that the owner is willing to sell for $3000.
They will send you a bill outside of Ebay that looks like an ebay bill that wants
you to buy a Re load it card and send him the numbers. Any transaction outside of Ebay is
not covered under Ebay Buyer Protection.I reported this to ebay and they
concurred it was a scam.
Remember if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.
It looks like this:
Garmin GNS-530W WAAS Unit
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Seller information
rob.walker0676 (0 )
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Item condition:
If you want to buy it now for the priceof $3000
with shipping and handling included
please contact me at
All buyers must contact me before placing a bid.
All bids made without contacting me will be canceled.