Hi All - I did something dumb - I lost my fuel cap. I can't be sure if it fell off, or if I didn't cinch it down enough and it fell off or if - gasp - I did the really extra dumb and just forgot to put it back on?! I am not sure which dumb thing I wish more.
I sure wish they had leashes on them.
Anyway I need a new fuel cap. Its to my Monroy LR tanks. I need help trying to figure what to order. Its the smaller silver one in the picture of flying - the outboard LR tank cap.
Its a newton cap as you can see the photo from the other one. I have a part number on the paper work for the etc 531-001.
I go to spruce and its not clear to me which cap if any there is right, even amongst the newton caps. The serial numbers are different. E.g. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/pnpages/05-21999.php?gclid=CjwKCAjw8cCGBhB6EiwAgORey-ToTTsn9z2mSjOMTyvshTSiniq7i27YbyRZ0lActlwr2rJMrvJdVBoC08oQAvD_BwE looks visually the same but the part number is totally different. - 05-21999
Even at the newton website (a UK company in Essex England - they make fancy fuel caps for race cars, race motorcycles, boats, and airplanes big and small) - only the part numbers the are using are entirely different even in style of how the numbers are written - e.g. OB-ZA-025 for say https://www.newton-equipment.com/aero-300-range.html
Help - does anyone know what I need to buy and here?
Is Jose here?
Anyone at a salvage yard have anything for me?