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  1. Thanks for the response Turbo, always appreciate your input. I know the pics are bad. They were emailed from my mech. I should have been more clear. It was welded back in the days along the same crack so it is now unserviceable. Fortunately I just found a replacement 30 minutes ago and it is on its way. 1500 quote to fabricate from scratch or 450 for a replacement from a RAJAY parts dealer in Florida. Amazing what a little time on the internet can yield!
  2. Fellas, A bracket supporting the RAJAY on my M20F has a crack and my MECH is having a hard time locating a part number (it was installed in 68). Any advice is appreciated. Pics attached. S/F, Nugs RAJAY1.bmp RAJAY2.bmp
  3. Thanks Antares, the servo was mentioned by my mech but not the injector. I will ask about that. Good info!
  4. Definitely not atmospherics. The the IAS was far less than normal for the flight conditions and the GS from the GPS backed up what I would expect to see with the indicated airspeed reading slow with the atmospherics and a 10kt tail wind. Trust me, I have been scratching my head. My mech is on it today. Anxious to get this sorted.
  5. I used the old rascal to repair my king. Grumpy is a good word but he does excellent/ quick work. He has been doing this for 30 + years. He turned around the job quick and for less. I understand how he can come off though. I would personally use him again.
  6. Good stuff, step was up. Didn't consider the gear door. I'm pretty sure it would have ripped off on my decent though. The exhaust is something I definitely will have checked. Thanks!
  7. Gents thanks for all the help/ info. I am going to have the mags checked out. I was loosing my mind for the 4 hour flight trying to figure out what the heck was going on. I would almost feel better if I saw some engine abnormalities other than the airspeed issues. I'll update after my mech digs through it and I get her up flying again. S/F, Nugs
  8. I did have to burn one of the MAGs a bit before takeoff but it was the first thing I checked when I landed and both seemed to be in limits. I'm scratching my head on this one and I hate going to my MECH with no clue. Just spoke with him and the MAGs are where he is going to start.
  9. Hey Brian, Temps were steady and normal as was the fuel flow. Fuel flow was my first thought as well.
  10. I was actually flying alongside the Appalachians at the end of the trip but the problem was noticed when I was in Texas. My instinct was that the plane was not producing the power it normally does. I would usually be indicating around 130 kts at the power settings I always fly on xcountry and was consistently 10-15 kts IAS slower backed up with the GPS with at 12kt tail wind the entire flt. Almost like I was flying at normal power settings with a speed break out ( yes the gear was up, I know someone will ask). Just seems odd that this started about 10 hours after the Top Prop Overhaul.
  11. Hey Gents, looking for advice before speaking with my mech. Flew my F on a long xcountry and on my return trip experienced some strange and alarming issues. The IAS was about 10 kts lower than what would be normal for the flight conditions and this matched up with what was indicated on the GPS so ruling out a problem with the AS indicator. Engine ran smooth, temps normal etc. here is the mystery, every so often ( about 4 times over a 4 hr flight) the indicated AS and gps derived GS would go back to what would be considered normal with no changes in engine settings. I just had a new prop (scimitar) installed and it had been producing great results up to this point. Anyone else ever see/ hear about this? Take-off power/ acceleration seemed normal but I did notice prop RPM slightly lower than normal on take-off (26 vice 27). Appreciate any thoughts.
  12. I hear ya Bonal. I assumed it was going to be just a " formality" and I'd fly away 250 bucks poorer. Boy I was wrong. Good luck!
  13. They pulled the hub. Waiting to hear what they think. Was told it could be a little corrosion on one of the bolts. If that is the case I will spring for an overhaul for 2200. New hub quoted at 5700. I'll update the final verdict. Very disappointing though. Just wrapped up the annual and was excited to put some hours on her this month. Vacation ruined!
  14. Flew my F into Lancaster to Sensinich (sp) today thinking I would have lunch, get the sign off and leave. Failed the eddy current. No visible flaws but they didn't like what they saw. Looks like a replacement for me. Going to hurt!
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