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Everything posted by runi2012

  1. Quote: FlyDave Runi, It looks like it's available now from iTunes - although it has a date of 4/28/12. It says they added Traffic. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/wingx-pro7-aviation-moving/id378172082?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 I hope they spent more time addressing bugs than developing "new features". I don't have my iPad with me and won't get home until Sunday night. Let us know if you update and test it.
  2. I have been looking for more than a week and dont see any update posted for WingX. I have the same issue - no NEXRAD with WingX. Perhaps someone has 'inside' info from WingX about this issue? Thanks, Runi
  3. I have been looking for more than a week and dont see any update posted for WingX. I have the same issue - no NEXRAD with WingX. Perhaps someone has 'inside' info from WingX about this issue? Thanks, Runi
  4. Quote: jkaufman Hi, has anyone been able to download the update to WingX that is supposed to fix the ADS NEXRAD bug?
  5. Hi, I am a new member here. Apolgoes for my last message. Somehow I am having a hard time posting! Anyways, flying out of Portland, OR. Tried WingX 6.3 with iPad 2 and skyradar. I am just not able to see ANY NEXRAD weather at all! I climbed up to 4000' ft but still no luck. Metar data is read in fine but just no Nexrad (. Has anyone got this to work? I am on the Free trial period for WingX so not sure if thats an issue. I tried to search for an update based on the comment from a previous user but there are none in the app store. Are there any other tricks to get this working? I am just frustrated. WE spent $1000 on the skyradar unit and WingX says it works! my skyradar free trial ran out before I could try it out so I am evaluating which one to buy! Any help is appreciated. Cheers, Runi
  6. Quote: flybuddy Got this note from Hilton: "We have found an issue with ADS-B, fixed it, testing now, hope to submit the update to Apple later today or tomorrow. This update will also add a very nice moving map feature. Thanks, Support Team"
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