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  1. The way I read it, and my AME described it, that is correct. For me, mine is suspended/deferred/invalid, so I cannot downgrade.
  2. Thanks! Eye issues; detached retina etc. 56 yrs old now. Ongoing issues for about a year. FAA is way, way behind and taking over a year to process airline guys' paperwork, and I know a GA guy that was waiting 5 years! My paperwork has only been in 6 months, but due to some eye changes, I may have to resubmit paperwork & start the wait all over again, so it could be a while. And then hope they clear me to proceed with my Medical. The government working for you! I fly 49GH once in a while with my buddy as PIC who I added to my insurance. And run it up every couple of weeks, but not the same benefits of flying it like I used to.
  3. Unfortunately, you can only degrade to Basic Med from a valid Medical Certificate. Mine is not right now.
  4. Yes! After doing my homework and talking to Don Maxwell and others, I bought the plane without even doing a pre-buy inspection. I put 500 hours on it and it's been a great plane
  5. SO SORRY to hear this. I haven't logged on here in a while nor have I spoken with Gary in a while... We have lost a good one here. American patriot and an inspiring aviator. God bless him and his family. I am the one who bought his beloved N49GH. Of course, Gary owned that plane from inception for 20 years. I have only owned her for 10 years. Sadly for me, I am now considering selling N49GH as my Medical has been suspended, as well as my career as an airline pilot, for the time being. It's been a great plane! And a small inanimate tribute to Gary. Sad
  6. Thanks!! Yes, 8 oil cooler & fuel hoses.
  7. Replacing all my Stratoflex hoses. 201J. My mech usually uses Herber Aircraft in SoCal, but their turn around time is at least 6 weeks. Anyone know a shop who can replace these hoses in a normal timeframe; as if we were back pre-2020?? Thanks! -Joe
  8. Good info in the links, thanks! All of which illustrate (with facts & data) that an intentional low pass (buzz) is illegal, and also may push safety limits. The Lancair article dissects why each section of the minimum altitudes in the regs is violated, especially at a crowded airport, surrounded by homes & buildings such as mine. A conscientious pilot should ask themself, would I be doing this with the FAA onboard?
  9. Ok cool, gotcha!
  10. How does this relate to the post you quoted? Also, they are referring to published speeds on a SID or STAR, or deleting a prior issued speed restriction. NOT authorizing relief on FAR regulations.
  11. EXACTLY my biggest concern! Thanks.
  12. I don’t believe the intent of this language is to allow high speed, level flight, low over the entire runway. It clearly references expediting multiple practice instrument approaches, as an example. Not trying to show off to your buddies at the far end of the field (and creating a bunch of extra noise). I wouldn’t want to be fighting with the FAA over my certificates based on a very loose interpretation on this paragraph.
  13. Tom, I agree. Well stated.
  14. Exactly, kortopates. For you guys who are answering my question of “where’s the language that says you can?” with a question “where’s the language that says you can’t?”, it’s there in the first sentence: “Except for take off or landing”. I’m only asking if anyone knows of an FAA interpretation or language (not hangar talk) that exempts (a), (b), or (c) above.
  15. No, we’re not calling the Feds over this. Geesh! But if I can get our airport manager to publish something, it may cut down on them. But my original question was if someone had any contrary facts from the regs that made these (intentional fly by’s, not go around’s) legal.
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