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About eberling

  • Birthday 08/16/1984

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  1. Thanks all - that is very helpful! Len and Amelia - I will get in touch with you and take you up on your offers to visit your airplane with my wife. We live fairly close. I will also drive to Raleigh to check out the flying club's 201. Thanks!
  2. Hi Folks, Just joined; I am looking forward to being an active participant in these threads. I am looking for a potential favor - my wife and I are considering a 201 for purchase in the near future. Does anyone own a 201 and live in the Eastern portion of North Carolina that we could take a quick look at and sit in? No need to fly and we won't take up much of your time - we'd just really love to sit in one for a few minutes. We are in Raleigh for the next few days but live in Goldsboro. We've spent a bunch of time flying an M20E, as well as owned a V35 Bonanza - interested in taking a look at a 201. Thanks much! Nick Eberling nicholas.eberling@gmail.com 703 472 6009
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