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Everything posted by adrian

  1. I sent the prop of my M20E to be re-sealed - and have been told that the hub has internal corrosion. Overhaul with a new hub will apparently cost $7061 - or I could fit a new prop. The prop is the original Hartzell one, with the eddy current AD. The blades are in good condition. While the medium term plans are to fit a new prop, at this stage I'd really just like to get it flying quickly with a serviceable prop without spending a lot of money - even if that means doing the eddy current check every 100 hours. Any suggestions gratefully received!
  2. First flight this afternoon, after a long, long restoration. What a fantastic, fun machine! The wing leveler doesn't do a whole lot, the prop RPM control needs to be adjusted (can overspeed in cruise at the moment), and the Aspen system will take some getting used to (I wish I'd kept an old fashioned VSI and slip ball....). But the performance is fantastic! Oh, and an M20E without carpets or soundproofing is brutally loud - but that should be fixed in a day or two! Can't wait to fly it more.
  3. Won't need a ferry tank. It has 88 gallons of fuel, which should give it about a 1200nm range at 150kt. We'll fly via Greenland and Iceland - hopefully spending a couple of days to visit some of the towns in Greenland, weather permitting. You can fly to Europe on that route with legs no longer than 500nm - just a series of comfortable 3 to 4 hour flights. The plan is to put about 50 hours on it in the US first, as it has had a lot of work done to it and I want to to make sure all of the post-restoration bugs are ironed out. Hopefully get it to Europe by early summer.
  4. I from the UK, live in France mostly, but work in America. Over here I have access to a Cirrus, but back home nothing - so the Mooney will live in the South of France. I will fly it there with a very experienced ferry pilot friend and former Mooney owner. I'll post some more interior pictures when the interior is finished. Meanwhile, here's an exterior shot from a few minutes ago after some engine runs and taxi tests:
  5. Not quite finished, but getting there. Before and after pics: It will be going to Europe, hence the antique ADF, which will soon be joined by an almost equally antique DME. Waste of time, never to be used, but will keep the Euro-bureaucrats happy. Hopefully one day there'll be a proper autopilot too, but that will have to wait a little longer. Actually the title should read "total restoration" rather than "panel upgrade". Newly sealed tanks, long-range fuel, alternator in place of generator, lightweight starter, new everything under the cowling except the engine itself, new suspension rings, new seats, new interior panels being fitted, soundproofing, carpets..... hopefully this 47 year old airplane is going to have a new lease of life as an unbeatably efficient machine for travelling around Europe, topping off the tanks only when I fly near one of the few low-tax countries!
  6. Hello, I am renovating an M20E at Brunswick, Maine (or rather my A&P is!), including resealing the tanks. It is an unpleasant and time-consuming job, and took a lot longer than initially expected to do it properly. It took repeated applications of solvent and a lot of labour to get rid of all the old sealant. Fortunately I'm not paying an hourly rate - if I had been, it would probably have been cheaper and would certainly have been faster to take it to Wilmar. I decided against bladders because I wanted to add long range tanks (another learning experience.... sealing the new tanks is very very hard when the aircraft has been treated with ACF-50) and also wanted to save weight for various other new toys. Hopefully the 8 month renovation will be finished in the next few weeks! Feel free to drop into BXM sometime. Adrian.
  7. Hello, First time posting here. I've just bought a 1966 M20E which I plan to bring to Europe. It flew for the first time in 16 years last Monday, but performed quite superbly on the ferry flight to the shop where it is now receiving some much needed TLC. I can't wait to fly it more! It is fitted with the original Hartzell prop. I would like to change it for something that doesn't have AD issues - not such a problem in America, but I will be keeping the N registration and can envisage problems finding people with the right FAA approvals in Europe. What are the different options? I test flew an M20E with a 3 blade Hartzell, which was very smooth and had a superb rate of climb. I haven't been able to find a list of all the approved props, or advice about which are good or bad. Suggestions gratefully received! Thanks in advance.
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