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About jbs007

  • Birthday 04/03/1985

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  1. Thanks for the recommendation. I have never heard of the fast stack before but that looks great. I have been in touch with Jesse and this is probably the route Ill go since I can keep it simple for now and do more swapping later. I'd really like my plane flyable in 2 months with the new GPS and transponder. I'll look more into upgrading indicators and audio panels later. This fast stack looks like it allows me to do that. Might be a dumb question, but when it comes to big panel rebuilds I see, people post a picture of the rats nest of wiring they have coming out. I have that too. Does anyone ever remove all the components from the panel (even the ones they are keeping, like switches and breakers) and all that wiring and start from scratch putting things back in? Of all the rats nest "before" pics and nice panel "after" pics I see, I never see a picture of everything removed. My plane has had many iterations of comms, ADFs, gps's, panel mods, etc. I believe there are many wires that don't go anywhere but are left in because they were zip tied to everything else.
  2. I recently ran into a great deal on a demo model IFD440 that has 15 hrs on it and still on factory warranty. Came with a new AXP340 transponder too. Now I need to get it installed in my M20E, hopefully by mid June. I am at New Orleans Lakefront airport (KNEW). There is a really great avionics guy here but he is very booked up, which seems to apply to many avionics shops these days. Does anyone here know of someone in the area that can help with an install? I can help with any hands on work too if that helps. I currently have a PS Engineering 6000B audio panel and a STEC 30 installed in the plane. Thanks!
  3. I recently purchased a CGR-30P for my 1966 M20E while the Oshkosh discount was still in effect. Anyway, it is time to replace some intermittent (at best) gauges and I need help figuring out what is actually "required instruments". I can't find a copy of this "CAR3" I hear about and the TCDS found http://67m20e.com/Mooney TCDS 2A3 Rev 52 dtd 9DEC10.pdf doesn't seem to list instrument requirements. I don't believe MEL or MMEL applies so does that really just leave me with TOMATOFLAMES??? Specifically, I want to show volts, amps, OAT, and Vacuum on the second page of my CGR as "not primary" instruments. Do I need operational "primaries" for any of these gauges? To complicate the amps and volts, I have a plane power alternator STC on my Mooney. My first page will be MP, RPM, EGT, CHT, Oil press, Oil temp, Fuel Press. Any advice on Fast Response vs Long Life on the EGT probes? If not I think I'd go for long life. For amps, should I use existing shunt or is there a benefit to the EI ammeter shunt? For an aircraft that did not come with fuel flow, how hard is it to install that? Any other surprises on install or woulda-shoulda-coulda's from people who have done this already? I plan on doing as much of the install as an A&P will let me. Thanks!!!
  4. My old mechanic passed away last year and my M20E is now out of annual. Does anyone know of someone who can help me get it annualled? It is located at KSEE. Thanks!
  5. Got it covered. Thanks!
  6. I recently got out of the USMC flying helicopters and have a couple hundred hours in my Mooney M20E in San Diego. I am in Orlando doing CFI and CFII. My check ride is tomorrow and based on equipment malfunctions I need to find another complex airplane to do the take off and landing portion only of the CFI. If anyone has an M20 C E or F they would let me use to do a couple T&G's with the examiner I would REALLY appreciate it. I can't delay my checkride because I am going on a 2 year late (deployment delayed) honeymoon next week. Thanks in advance and I am free to talk and fly all weekend. My insurance covers me in non owned aircraft and if you are near orlando we can fly to you and do the T&G's there, and of course I'll pay for whatever I need to pay for. Thanks! Jared Spencer 504-810-6500 jbspencer03@yahoo.com
  7. Thanks for sharing Wistarmo, that's a hell of a piece of history you are preserving! Not sure if you'd rather keep it in your house, but have you considered talking to the National WWII museum in New Orleans about a presentation of it? Or a Smithsonian...
  8. Thanks for all the info! Very helpful.
  9. How long did you have the kg102a before it failed? What mods did it have? How'd it fail? I know you might not know these... I'm curious because I have one I am about to install with a sandel 3500. Thanks
  10. Bandito! (of my dinero) how many have actually painted it on their plane? None as sloppy as me I hope, but my E needs a new paint job anyway do I don't care. I'll have fun with until it gets reprinted.
  11. Will do! That looks nice. Thanks
  12. Thanks Bob. That answers the vacuum question for sure. It doesn't mention volts or amps and I'd really like to get a definite yes or no on that if I can. Where did you get a digital version of that? Your N is pretty close to mine too (9357M).
  13. I have the IO-360 in an M20E but had a similar problem starting about 60 hrs into me owning it (one cylinder with low compression/fouled plugs, increased oil burn). Pulled the cylinder and there was a enough gunk in the ring groove that the rings got stuck in it and weren't expanding properly. The piston and cylinder both looked real nice and all that was needed was to clean them out and re-ring. Pulling a cylinder doesn't take much time and catching it early means you won't have to buy a new one which is the real expense. Hope it's an easy fix for you!
  14. Thanks to both! Anyone know if volts and/or amps are required?
  15. I am upgrading the panel on my '66 M20E and need to know about required instruments. I have looked up the M20 TCDS and CAR 3 regs and can't find info on if Vacuum, Volts, and Amps are required. I will have them displayed no matter what, but it will change how I have them displayed. Also, if anyone has done a EI CGR-30P and has a 3 blade Hartzell prop, how did you color your RPM indications? I get 2700 is redline, 2350-2700 is green, but does the 1950-2350 have to be a certain color? I'd like to make it yellow if I can. Thanks!
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