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Everything posted by Toflyordie

  1. Quote: PilotDerek Ben, Does your $75K range include your monthly tie down/hanger fees, insurance, and annual? Are you planning on using a MSC for your annuals or owner assisted with a local A&P? I am also in the market for a Mooney and would love a J but when I started looking at the price range of decent 20J’s along with the additional costs it has put me in the 20F range. This, to me is not bad. You can over time make a 201 out of a 20F for the most part, and it will be exactly what you want. I realize that you will lose approx 50% of the cost of all your upgrades but I see the purchase of an aircraft as a purchase of my house, long term. I have no plans on flipping it. That is one of the reasons I am going to purchase a Mooney. It is a plane that will suit me and my family’s (wife, two kids) needs for the long haul (good useful load, good speed [better with the right mods], and great fuel consumption). For your planning purposes I have been quoted $1200 for insurance (approx 70 Hr w/ only 4 in complex). I luckily have a Mooney knowledgeable A&P nearby that will allow me to do owner assisted annuals for less than $1000. There is a lot to think about and research. To me buying an aircraft has been more nerve-racking than the houses I’ve purchased (I liken buying an aircraft to getting a puppy, as they are a living being that need TLC and room to run). Just two cents from a fellow enlisted service member only 4 years from retirement. Derek
  2. Scott! High five from Germany...thanks for pointing that one out. If I was in the states right now, I'd take a gander at it. Thanks for the link! Ben
  3. Mazer, Thanks for sharing! Was your issues minor, did it effect your flight? What GPS units are compatiable with Aspen? Is Garmin one of them? I see that the "name game" still holds true...once a chevy always a chevy... I use Garmin, the name is known, but I like what Aspen has to offer. Albeit a cheaper price as well! Bonus!
  4. Has anyone had any negative issues with Aspen? It seems very reasonable for Glass upgrade.
  5. The Hornet driver named George that posted "Prospective Vintage Mooney buyers" thread opened my eyes. Lot's of info there. Thanks George! Hope yall had a great weekend!
  6. I'm a Newb, but could you get a "core" reduced price if you gave the factory your motor?
  7. Scott, Thanks for your input and advice. Partnership is not out of the equation. The right partner is must! I'm sure a diamond in the rough will show its head. I'm quickly learning that I'm swimming in the "deep end". V/r, Ben
  8. Hello All! My name is Ben, I'm a 15 year active duty Air Force E-6 (TSgt), stationed in Germany. I'm riding the bench right now, but have all intentions to purchase a Mooney. I've flown Cessena's; 152, 172, 182 and a ride in a F-15C. Also, several hours of Flight Sim X. Looking forward to flying with all of you soon!
  9. Orange, It's all good to share your oppinion, I don't consider your oppinion ignorance. I've looked into LSA, again...not deep into them. I don't see a four place LSA that will fit my needs/wants...if that makes any sense. To Quote you: "All that said: I love my Mooney. Beautiful; fast; just demanding enough to expect you to pay attention and constantly work on your technique, which to my way of thinking makes you a better pilot; it's also nice to have at least one person, every time you land somewhere, say "That your Mooney? Boy, those are fast planes...", or the like. Whatever you choose, enjoy it!" The Bold print could be applied to the relationship with my wife and I...LMAO! All kidding aside, this forum is a research tool. Also, this forum has (MHO) great, friendly people. Most would take a newb, with no knowledge, like me and punch'm to the curb! I've felt a warm welcome since posting all my blank posts cause I was so "NEW" that I wasn't using Fire Fox versus MS explorer. Where there's a will, there's always a way! The budget is based on current job standings/retirement earnings. As I retire 5 yrs from now, at the young age of 39, I have a few connections out in the civilian world willing to take in an Air Force veteran. So the budget may increase depending on the "salary to be"... I'm just really enjoying all the conversations, opinions, information and personal stories that everyone is sharing! Keep'em coming.
  10. Mazer, Your input is greatly appreciated! Ok, so let's say you're me; what would you look for? For someone who works for Uncle Sam (enlisted), shoe string budget... Looking back, the F doesn't deviate too far from the J. Except for the range...wow, that sucks. I suppose once you add the kiddos, wife, luggage...that's going to deminish anyway. I guess I need to go through a class or something titled "An idiots guide to buying an airplane". Being VFR, I know what my basics are. King radios have always been around and they're very proud of their product, the price proves that. WAAS can you expound upon this, I haven't flown since December '03. After Sept 11, our tempo (military) picked up. Deployment, deployment oh, yeah....deployment! I've read a few threads to "upgrade don'ts". It seems that most on here say get what you want on your first buy, don't upgrade as you go along. You'll end up paying more in the long run..., How true is that?
  11. Quote: Mazerbase I think the F or J is probably the right model for you, budget limitations being foremost. The F will be hard to find equiped the way you want and the J will be hard to find in the price range. Tough choices. If you are in the Orlando area, you can certainly take a peak at mine and maybe go for a couple laps around the pattern or something. I like an excuse to fly.
  12. Quote: Mazerbase I think the F or J is probably the right model for you, budget limitations being foremost. The F will be hard to find equiped the way you want and the J will be hard to find in the price range. Tough choices. If you are in the Orlando area, you can certainly take a peak at mine and maybe go for a couple laps around the pattern or something. I like an excuse to fly.
  13. After looking at those charts, I'd have to say the M20J is more my speed. The range, ceiling, useful load; it all works for what I need. Thanks for the info...that simplified my selection...now, to get one at or below $75K.
  14. Quote: Mazerbase Ben, It would help if you could describe your typical and atypical flights and your flight experience. I got the family of 4 part but their age and size could make a difference. For example, 2 teenagers about to leave for school may be less relevant than 2 youngsters expected to grow up in the back seat. Being in CO, you might want a turbo model but the $75K figure would be hard to make. You have already heard someone say the J is the best Mooney ever made but there are those out there that claim the K is. Either way, to get the best low down, a little more info. Please.
  15. Quote: flight2000 I was just up in your neck of the woods this past weekend picking up my son from soccer camp in Bitburg. Wish I had my plane here, but it was cost prohibitive. Are you looking for one in Europe already or looking at anything in the U.S. to bring over? I priced out ferry flights in the $11-14K range one way. Brian
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