About a mont ago I posted for my first time with my thoughts on my new Mooney. I have not posted since because I am now using an IPad and my pea brain could not get the posting to work. ( For those of you interested, I am using Safari with the java script turned off )
I bought my M20K about two months ago for the purpose of helping me commute between KCOS and KSLC. I am a pilot for Delta in Salt Lake and I am attending my second year of bible school at Charis Bible School in Colorado Springs (part of Andrew Wommack Ministries). Most of the time I pass ride or jump seat to and from work and school, but when the schedule does not permit I fly the Mooney or drive when the weather is bad. I have about 25 hrs in it and am starting to get used to it. I have flown both VFR and IFR and I am usually between 14,000 and 17,000 feet. It seems to be a sweet altitude for this plane. The other day I was descending into KCOS with a ground speed of 250kts. Now that is why I bought it; Altitude and Speed and let's not forget fuel economy. For the money I spent I do not believe I could have made a better choice. I am not sorry, not one bit for buying it. Anyway, I have some questions for you seasoned owners.
What do you do at different FBO's who insist on using a tug to tow your plane? After informing them that the Mooney nose wheel has limited turning radius I usually let them tow. I inspect the nose gear after every tow and so far so good, however, I am still nervous every time they tow.
At higher altitudes the oil temp can get a little high. Still in the green but a needle and a half from the red line. What I have done is open the cowl flap to the mid position. Is that normal?
On takeoff I am not using the full 40 inches. I set about 38 inches and I still get great performance. I do this to be easier on the engine. If obstacles are a factor I will use the full 40 inches until clear. For climb I use 33 inches and 2600 rpm. Any thoughts on this?
For you Garmin 430 users, when you insert your route of flight, can you enter using airways or do you have to input every fix? For example, the FMS we use on the 737 allows us to enter a fix then connect to another fix using a jet airway. Such as TCH J80 JFK. All the intersections would be included between the two fix's.
By the way, any of you with flying missions experience, I would love to get in touch with you
Anyway, thanks for reading and hope to get to know you better, Jim.