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Everything posted by msw

  1. The kids are grown and gone and the Cherokee Six we had for over two decades has been sold. I'm thinking - by looking at the specs, anyway - that a Mooney Bravo might be my next airplane. It's been decades since I've flown any kind of Mooney, so I was wondering if there was a Southern California Mooney Bravo owner who'd be willing to take my wife and I for a ride. I'd be happy to buy lunch, share gas $$$, pump gas, pull chocks, hold the iPad, be your safety pilot while you practice IFR approaches, etc. If anyone is willing to do that, or knows someone who might, please PM me. Thanks.
  2. I agree... I think the reason why some members would be hesitant is that they feel that the power on stalls and touch and goes lead to premature engine wear. Each owner/pilot needs to make their own decision about how to treat their airplane. Personally, I don't think that a few power on stalls every year and some touch and goes does any damage, the motor is designed to take on much worse than that........
  3. I am currently pondering the same decision, so the previous info has been very helpful. Does anyone have - or care to share - their yearly maintenance costs, averaged over several years, for a 252 vs. a Bravo? I am curious if one is generally considered more expensive as far as maintenance goes (averaged over a few years) vs. the other?
  4. I was wondering if there were any TLS/Bravo or 252 owners based at SNA or LGB or FUL (or some other SoCal Airport) that might be willing to take me along on a short flight sometime? I am thinking of getting rid of my Cherokee Six and getting a TLS/Bravo or 252, but I have not been in a Mooney since about 1973. I really need to see what they fly like, feel like, etc, before committing to this airplane "upgrade"! I'd be happy to share gas costs, be your Safety Pilot if you want to do some hood work, whatever. Lemme know! Marc
  5. Quote: RJBrown .........TLS were better equipped but had a taller panel that made it hard for shorter pilots to see over.......
  6. Seeking advice and commentary...... Trying to decide which model Mooney(s) I should be looking at. My kids are grown, time to part company with the Cherokee Six I have had for 18 years; don't need six seats anymore, just the wife and I now and I really want something faster - 145 kts doesn't cut it for me any longer! So, which model Mooney should I get? I'd like a turbo model and would like to routinely see 200 kts (or more) at altitude, on (obviously) as little fuel burn as possible. I'll likely be routinely making trips out to 800 - 1000 nm, so the faster the better; and long range fuel tanks would be a plus, as would a factory oxygen system. Not sure on the TKS.... I am interested to know what the advantages and disadvantages of TKS are (I have heard that TKS equipped aircraft are slower.... is that true? other disadvantages?) My budget is around $200,000 though I could go a little bit higher if I really had to. I'd love to hear the pros and cons of the various models (and model years) that you knowledgeable folk think would meet my requirements. Thanks.
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