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DaV8or last won the day on October 26 2017

DaV8or had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Discovery Bay, CA (Byron C83)
  • Reg #
  • Model
    1966 M20F

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  1. This is gone now.
  2. These have been sold.
  3. I kind of forget because it was 12 years ago, but I think that after exhausting every possible clever way to find them on my own commercially, I ended up buying them from LASAR.
  4. Just giving this one a bump. $10 shipping in the continental US. That's all.
  5. Everything here has been given away.
  6. These are now sold.
  7. Good question. I know they're worth something, but what's fair I have no clue. I do know the 40-1 gears new were about $900. I'm not out to get top dollar or anything and do just want them gone, so make me an offer.
  8. The avionics shop mounted it outside.
  9. Done. PM me to complete the deal.
  10. I have PayPal if that's OK. Everything I have to sell is now posted in these classifieds. PM me to complete the deal.
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