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Everything posted by Qwalton

  1. Hi I've been lurking around here enjoying all the mooney information and I thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Quinn Walton and I'm 20 years old living in Santa Barbara, CA I got my PPL in september and I have about 150 hours to date, I'm about two weeks away from my ifr rating and I'll be starting work on my CFI/I and Commercial ratings as soon as I have the hours. My family and I just purchased N5712Q a 1965 M20C for me to finish my instrument rating and build time in (yes I have an amazing family). We purchased 12Q two and a half weeks ago and I already have around 30 hours flying her. We spent a lot of time researching planes to buy and looked at every thing from cessna 120's to Bonanazas before we really nailed down exactly what our mission would be, I think that the Mooney has turned out to be an excellent choice. The fuel efficiency and speed have blown me away, all of my time before purchasing the mooney was in cessnas and it's stunning to be going almost 20 knots faster and burn the same amount of fuel. So far I'm completely in love with my Mooney and I'm happy to have found this excellent community. I look forward to getting to know all of you. Attached is a picture of me with 12Q on the day we flew her home
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