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Everything posted by damcmurt

  1. @ZuluZulu My local shop wont touch even for a patch. Looking through logbooks though the left tank has had 2 small patches done and nothing else. Since its 43 years old it might be time to start fresh.
  2. Thanks everyone for the feedback. I spoke to TopGun in Stockton and they mention FL and MN. Also they mention a shop in TX. I looked them up, Houston Tank Specialist. Anyone have any experience with them?
  3. I was recently having a fuel smell in the cockpit after the airplane sat for several days or more. My maintenance shop pulled the interior and found fuel stains coming down in front of the spar on the copilots side. This is just below and behind the entry door on a 80 M20K. Looking for advice on any shops recommended to patch or reseal tank. Also how much leakage would make it unairworthy. Here are some pics
  4. I see this thread is a little old. Did the 10 ever get made? If not I might be interested. Getting ready to do an overhaul in the next year, so it would be a good time to add it. Already have the Merlin. Thanks
  5. Thanks for the all the feed back. I did get to spend some time on the phone with Mark at Top Gun. He seemed very knowledgeable and very helpful.
  6. Thanks I will check out those shops. I am located in Bakersfield. I have heard a little about top gun and them being in Stockton they may make the most sense. I have a local A&P but I think his mooney experience is limited.
  7. Hello, I am looking to get an annual done on my 231 and am looking for suggestions on who would be a good shop to take it to. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
  8. Thanks for the input. Flew today and we messed with the friction lock. It seemed to be more stable but had a low ceiling so I didn't get it up that high, still need my IFR ticket. Going to find out if I can just replace the friction lock or if I have to replace the whole cable. Due in the shop soon for the oil change so we see what the shop thinks. Let you know what I find Again Thanks David Mc
  9. Hello, I am new to the site and recently purchased an '80 231. On occassion when I am leveling off from a climb and dialing the RPM down to 24 I have seen the MP rise to over 37" when I have it set at 33" in the climb. My understanding is it should drop maybe an inch as you lower your RPM. I have also noticed that it may wonder up and down an inch or 2 after I have it set and the friction lock set. I would love any ideas... Excited to be flying a mooney David
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