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  1. It's almost time to replace my Moritz gauges. Any suggestions on a replacement. Also what did you do with the hole left by the Moritz gauges? Thanks
  2. What I want to know is there an STC or factory kit? I have been told that all that is require is a hole drilled into the fuel tab and remarking the fuel selector.
  3. What's involved with increasing Ovation fuel from 86 to 100?
  4. Both of my recognition lights have burned out. I removed one of the lights and it said 14 volts. The parts manual shows a dropping resister, so this makes sense. But when I checked the voltage at the connector, it showed 24 volts. So the big question is do I order the new Whelen recognition lights in 14 volts or 24 volts?
  5. My right wing white nav light has burned out and when I went to replace it, the cost of 58 dollars kind of blew me away for such a small light bulb. Does anyone know of a cheaper alternative or maybe a LED option?
  6. I just had two GI 275s installed. I wanted the installer to remove the vacuum system, but when they discovered that an Airwolf system had been installed, they said they could not remove the vacuum system because the Airwolf system uses pressure from the vacuum pump. So to remove the vacuum system I need to remove the Airwolf system unless there is another idea. Does Airwolf make a system that doesn't use pressure from the vacuum pump?
  7. One of my batteries is at the end of it's life. I got 4 years out of it so I'm happy. But today I started a search for a replacement battery. It seems that they are in short supply for some reason. Aircraft Spruce- No stock, SkyGeek - backordered, Pilot shop- no stock. I even checked Wag Aero and no stock. Anybody have any ideas?
  8. Prop seal. Had to change mine recently. Exact same symptoms.
  9. Here is the direct info on repairs from Precise Flight. 2000-Series-SpeedBrake-Service-Guide-8.1.20.pdf
  10. I was finally able to get the controller box out through the bottom. It wasn't easy as I have TKS and alot of plumbing goes through that area.
  11. I have no options but to send my speed brakes to Precise Flight for repair. But they want the controller too. The parts manual shows it is located under the floor just aft of the rear seats. Do you access it through the bottom or is there access through the top under the baggage compartment carpet?
  12. Flat rate just like Garmin.
  13. They are no selling parts anymore only flat rate.
  14. I just contacted Precise Flight for info on repairing my speed brakes. They informed me that now they only do flat rate repair/overhaul. The price is now $4000.
  15. These batteries have gotten very expensive like everything else.
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