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  1. I hade the EDM-830 installed last month and it is GREAT. The large color display makes monitoring easy. The only problem I have is with the Fuel Flow. If I go Full Fuel, it's no problem but to add fuel is cumberson. I hope this gets better as I get more accustom button sequenses.
  2. I wanted to have weather in my M20J for long trips but did not want to spend the money it would take to have it displayed on my 530. I have a Garmin 376 that I use in my boat and car and the weather package for it is still $29.99. It gives the same information for the Fisherman Package as the Aviator LT package except for TFRs Metars and TAF. On long trips, I just load the GPS coordinates of the Airports as waypoints and then prepare a route. This gives me the weather pictorial for my flight and saved me the additional cost of aviation weather. Also, land and water GPS units are significantly less than the 396 or 496 and if you already have IFR GPS units in your plane, its a good way to add weather only. Jerry
  3. I fly out of Gainesville, Ga (GVL) and have made numerous trips into Destin. I always file IFR and ther are several MOAs to deal with but the ATCs along the way make it easy for you and the restricted airspace they ask if I want them to vector me around or if I am able to self navigate with GPS. I have never had a problem going or coming back and the FBO is always very accomodating. Jerry
  4. Thanks for all of the responses. I got a lot of good information from your experinece. I did talk to JPI and realize that I cant replace the original gages without going to the 930 so I think I have now narrowed it down to either the 730 or 830. Hopefully when all of the costs are in for the overhaul and annual ther will be enough money left to go to the 830. Either way, I will look at APS for their education information. Thanks again for your input. Jerry
  5. I am currently having my engine overhauled and am also interested in installing an engine analyzer. I have been looking at the data on both the JPI EDM 700 and 800. I know there are several additional functions on the 800 than the 700 but it all comes at a price. Looking for some information from anyone that has either of these installed in their Mooney. Mine is a 1978 M20J 201. Also, any information on the 730 or 830 models. Thanks, Jerry
  6. Brandon, Thanks for the info. I will pass this along to Ron. Thanks, Jerry Killinger
  7. Jim I fly into 4A4 prettty often. My wife's mother lives about 5 minutes from the airport. I have heard a lot of good things about Gann. Isn't he located in LaFayette, Ga.? My M20J is down also. The engine is being shipped to Mattituck for rebuild. Have a good trip to the Bahamas. Sounds like amuch better place to be right now than the Metro Atlanta area. Jerry
  8. Jim, Saw your note on the Garmin 250XL. I have a friend with a C172 that is interested in an IFR GPS but doesn't want to go the higher end Garmin. His Name is Ron Adams and his phone number is 404 510-3088. I talked to him this morning and he is interested and would like for you to give him a call. We both live in Cumming. He has his plane hangered at KLZU, Lawrenceville. I have a Mooney 201J. I have it hangered at KGVL, Gainesville. I had a Garmin 530 WAAS installed about 18 months ago and I think the 430/530 's are great. The situational awareness along with the approach capabilities makes them well worth the price. Which airport is your home base? Jerry Killinger 404-697-7849
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