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    XS09 Estate Airpark New Waverly , TX
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  1. I hate to make the request because I am sure it will come with a ton of curiosity and questions. Does anyone on Mooney Space have a PDF of the Mooney M22 Mustang POH? I have PDFs from my previous Mooney aircraft but would like a copy due to my curiosity regarding the pressurization system and M22 aircraft performance as it would be listed in the POH. I DO NOT have a Barn Find M22 I DID NOT buy an M22 Mustang I DID NOT WIN A LOTTERY and did not buy a VLJ. It is just personal research. Merry Christmas and a joyous 2025 from Texas. John
  2. Thanks for all of the input. No one had the sort of Intel that would waive me off from being a Mooney driver again, especially now that I plan to move up to a faster version.I just need to answer that nagging question by have experienced pilots share their thoughts. Again...THANK YOU Many years ago, I flew into San Antonio to look at a Bravo. My (now ex ) wife asked about the oxygen ports and I explained their function to her. She stated flatly that she would not fly in a plane that she would be required to wear O2. She threw a fit and I gave in to her rant. I eventually bought a great 1994 M20J but it never really met my mission requirements. I was commuting from my home on Maryland Eastern Shore to my ANG squadron in SC and teaching in San Antonio at the AF hospital so I needed to fly higher and faster. I eventually transfered to the DCANG but my full-time job sent me from MD to SATX, , go figure. Key take away- dump the obstructive wife and buy the correct aircraft for the mission. If you do all requured maintainence and splurge of expensuve upgrades the aircraft is far less likely to fail you and the cost of operation can be planned out on a spreadsheet. Regards John Hermann
  3. Congrats on the purchase. I live at XS09 & couldn’t be happier living in an active aviation community. I also own a property at SilverWest Estates Custer County in Westcliffe , CO . I always thought I might build a hangar in CO but I am getting less ambitious as time passes.
  4. Thanks for the input. I moved from SATX 3 years ago, so I am pretty familiar with the good, the bad and the ugly of XS09. I have a Lake Turbo 270 Renegade and 1947 Navion L17C that are both excellent on the grass runway but are both slow boats to the final destination. The Navion is on the market , so I can purcahse an airplane that will fill my cross country mission requirements. I respect your opinion but I would rather have a sharp stick in my eye , than to own a Cessna 182. The goal for returning to MooneySpace was to glean any nuggets of wisdom Ithat I can in helping me make my purchase decision. And the group has certainly helped me with my decision. So far, nothing has scared me off.
  5. Thanks for commenting because I am most interested in an M20K or M20M . Our grass is rarely tall but occasionally it can grow significantly between weeekly maintenance. Since I own a Lake Turbo-270 Amphibian I have another aircraft that I can fly when I have the urge to go into an unimproved airfield or water, so I won’t be trying to make the Mooney meet all of my mission requirements.
  6. Fortunately our runway is pretty good quality but it won’t be great when it is raining or extended rain. There will be days I won’t be able to takeoff and there are two airports with published approaches each about 15 miles away so on bad weather days , I would have to land at one or the other since our airpark is VFR only. XS09 will be the only one I fly a Mooney into.
  7. Thank you. I appreciate the comments. I think like any Mooney it takes being careful and methodical about taxi, takeoff and landing.
  8. Thank you for your comments. I wanted to hear from someone that actually operates on grass on a routine basis. Our 4000’ runway is well maintained and I live directly on the runway so my distance to taxi is limited. I doubt I would be operating on any other grass runways except for my home airport.
  9. After a brief time away from being a Mooney driver, I am thinking about coming back to the fold (the dark side) but with a faster model than my previous 1994 M20J MSE. The time away was self imposed because I moved onto a 4000' grass runway and despite having some experience landing on grass runways, I just didn't think the day to day worry of ripping off inner gear doors was worth the trouble. I have 500+ hous in my prior M20J and more night IFR than I like to acknowledge , so I have more than a casual understanding of the Good and the bad of a Mooney. I am hoping that I can get some first hand experience pro or con statements from Mooney owners that live on or operate on grass regularly. . I heard all the arguments against a Mooney on a grass runway and had even convinced myself that they were right but there is a visitor that comes to XS09 occasionally and makes T/O and Landings like any other similar SEL aircraft.
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