I have uesd the "Don Maxwell" method to sucessfully patch a small leak and find it very effective at accuratly identifying the leak. I used vacuum controled with an fish quarium style air regulator and an old altimiter to create a slight negative pressure. The soap suds bubbled away just as Don says it will. Also, I am not a believer in a complete reseal just to fix a leak. In my world of C-5's with huge tanks, 49 thousand gallons worth, a reseal is out of the question and some of these tanks were assembled in the late sixties. I don't suscribe to the opinion that old sealent is necessarily bad or that dry tanks causes much of a problem either. We routinely run our extended range tanks empty unless needed, but when used, they don't leak. Finally, if flying very heavy weight ops making tatical landings in combat conditions at 750 thousand pounds gross weight dosen't make a tank leak, landing on grass with a Mooney isn't going to either. Just my opinion. but I just don't see spending lots of money fixing a leak.
All this being said, if you can get the leak fixed and feel better about a reseal as to a patch, go for it. I really like the paint shop's willingness to repaint the area. That is a nice looking paint job and you need to be happy for a long time down the road.
What say the experienced Mooney guys, patch or reseal?