Dear mooney colleagues,
I have a problem with an ordered new Continental engine and it would be great if you could help my in this case.
I had an engine failure with my mooney in February 2024 and luckily, I could land safely on a field without any damage. The engine has major defects and already more the 2000 hours, which made it not viable to get repaired.
Therefore I ordered a factory new engine TSIO360SB2B at Continental via the dealer Air Power. The delivery time should have been mid of November 2024. Short before delivery, Air Power informed me that Continental has one component missing, so they cannot complete the engine and they want to cancel the order.
I did not agree, because I need a new engine. Since then, we have a long discussion with long waiting time for answers. Basically, the missing part is the throttle body, Continental p/n 646999-3
We still have this throttle body from our old engine, and according to my maintenance company in Germany, the part is in good condition. Therefore I suggested to Continental to use this part and change the order to a factory-rebuild engine instead of a new engine.
After more the 2 months, I still do not have an answer whether we can do like proposed.
I am grounded since almost 1 year now and I need a solution.
Do you think, using the existing part from the old engine and build it into a factory-rebuild engine is possble?
Do you have any idea how to get this throttle body on the market as a new part?
Do you have any other suggestion for me, how I can get either a new or and overhauled engine TSIO360SB2B.
Thank you for your help and comments,
best regards, Stefan