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  1. You are talking about a direct swap replacement. Yes that makes sense. but when you don’t have the tray or connector and you newly install that radio, as I said, no. That does not make sense.
  2. There are none if you don’t have the correct tray, or wiring.
  3. There isn’t a scenario where just putting in a modern transponder isn’t a better idea.
  4. It was maintained minimally its entire life it looks like.
  5. Weird, I thought read the number changed when it was painted. I may be mistaken
  6. Do you know what the n number was before it was changed?
  7. That’s what it is. I’ve never seen one actually work though. Make sure the wire that pulled isn’t the hot
  8. Based on the condition of those filler necks I suspect this airplane spent a considerable amount of time outside. if you had a good prebuy, I would think fuel caps and filler necks would have been noticed as that’s a pretty well known issue. im suggesting you go through it carefully as this likely isn’t the only thing you’re going to find. a good prebuy buy and an annual are NOT the same.
  9. I think you had better have someone really good look over that airplane before you continue. I’d bet that airplane spent a lot of time sitting outside unused. id bet you’re going to find a bigger list. I really hope this was sub 50k for the journey you’re about to be on. what was the tail number before it was changed?
  10. I think it’s 200$ to have the module to swap from one to the other. It’s one screw and an easy swap. or, I’d say Lemo with the dual adapter.
  11. Again, if the entire argument was that the fuel degraded the sealant why would you do the bare minimum of patching. Seems to me if the fuel destroyed the sealant I would want new sealant all around. then, keeping the work done to repair back to airworthiness a private matter after being so public about your problems? Something’s not adding up.
  12. This seems like good public information. Not sure why it needs to be a PM. as bad as your tanks were leaking, and as old as the sealant was, AND due to the deteriorating effects you state this fuel had, it’s mind blowing to me you didn’t send it to one of the well known specialists in this area. I'm willing to bet you did the bare minimum. And without taking it to one of the well known tank experts, we are never going to know the TRUE effect.
  13. This was a different scenario than the poster who made the phone call to the CFI for her and her student “taking too long on the runway”
  14. Doesn’t sound like we read the same post….
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