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  1. Hello all, I recently purchased a 83 M20J. Once I got it back home, I noticed it did not have a fuel pressure gauge. The panel was redone about 2 years ago and the only gauges that remain are the fuel quantity gauges. I have a JPI EDM830 but it does not read the fuel pressure. Could I swap out the manifold pressure gauge from a M20F that has both manifold/fuel pressure readings and install it in my J? I don't want to get another gauge if I don't have to because I don't want to cut into the panel. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hello all, I'm looking for an A&P to do a pre purchase inspection in the Austin, Texas area within the first few weeks of January. Called several places, SWTA and Dugosh and they are not available. Can anyone recommend an A&P that is familiar with Mooneys. I am purchasing an M20J. Thanks,
  3. I'm looking at the M20Js and came across one that has turbo. For those who have owned one or flown one, what are the pros and cons for a turbo M20J?
  4. Hello, I'm looking to purchase a M20J, which is currently located in Mena, Arkansas. Can anyone recommend an A&P familiar with M20 that can do a pre-buy inspection that is close to the area? Thanks,
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