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sdmideas last won the day on July 27 2024

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  1. I received my boots early this week, shipped very quickly and included manufacturing certificate and instruction page for boot replacement. A very pleasant experience all around. Hats off to @M20E for me for a well executed group buy.
  2. Randy Korte…dm me if you want his info. He is often willing to travel within reason. He’s done pre-buy inspections for me when I was out shopping from Placerville to woodland and out to paradise too. Very reasonable guy and prices.
  3. Well I would buy @George Braly a beer. I sure think he has earned it. Thank you George for investing time, effort and thick skin into helping keep aviation going. I think if our Mooney’s keep drinking fuel for 10years we will look back and say - Thank goodness we are still able to use our anti-gravity machines;)
  4. @Jon M whoa! I grew up in Cameron Park:) Very neat to hear there’s another active Mooney flyer over there. I’m in and out of O61 to visit with my folks. The m20c I’m flying now actually spent a good portion of its life before me based at O61. Is Tim Carr still working in that area?
  5. This is a fun question;) I’ve had the good luck to run into a very useful document from a fellow up in Oregon who has been kind enough to allow me to share. tso_pamphlet.pdf
  6. Thanks! I was trying to figure that out;) @Fly Boomer
  7. Mike Peavey did my time and check out with me -m20c. He’s based in Chico. His rate is very reasonable. If you are interested I can send you his contact info in a direct message. @ Zorro
  8. So…what happens if a set of gears are made to the current in hand drawings and hardness spec by a willing manufacturer, cycle testing done with appropriate load. Could we then just look at the data and drawings and promise left right and center not to make any more? If we lived in Europe would there be a path forward with the EASA?
  9. I suppose a few REALLY good datapoints would be…who has actually had to USE their insurance? How was the experience? What happened afterwards?
  10. I use avemco, service has been as good as I could hope for. I’m <100hrs on my m20c, hull value of 75k $1770/year. I also have a Cessna 150 insured with them for a whopping $890/year. Seems like a decent enough deal so far. I had a quote done by BWI earlier this year when I was looking to add the m20c and it was nearly double.
  11. I’m in for at least 2 @ the 10pieces price and if there is enough interest to get the price down I could bump that up to 4
  12. I could be interested in a few….with 6 servos does that mean you have the elevator servos installed? I’ve been trying to track one more down for myself…I’ve only been able to find one out in the wild so far.
  13. If they are there they are in the tail section I believe, I think you can spot them from within the battery access area - connected to the elevator control rod. There are usually two - one with a blue vacuum line and the other with a yellow. The pitch servos are the lighter color(not black) as far as I have seen. Picture added from other user with pitch servo in plastic bag. Mounted near the rudder servo.
  14. Do you have a pair (or even just one) of pitch servos? I’d take those:)
  15. You don’t happen to have a pair of pitch servos in there?? I’d take those:)
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