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  1. In case you want to refurbish what you have, there is still a repair shop that takes them, and it's mentioned here, but just to update that information. It is www.walthamclocks.com. They open at 10. When you call 334-774-3584, use extension 100 and even though it says voicemail, I have gotten a live person each time. Not cheap. My rebuild is $350. I last had a rebuild 20+ years ago for $150 so that's about right. They're not to be confused with the clock builder Waltham Clocks, which was in Waltham MA and went out years ago. The repair shop is in Alabama and still in business at this writing, March 2024. Mine is a swiss one, probably Breitling, though there are ones made by Wakmann and some labelled Pioneer. Don't know if they repair all types but worth a try.
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