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  1. I watched Luvara's 4th video, and it is very concerning. Even more concerning is how GAMI posted everyone's declaration on their website, but not George Braly and Paul Millner's declaration which supports the mandate of G100UL, which happened on Janurary 2025. George claims he does not support mandating G100UL, yet he's eating his own word now. He also again blamed Mooney's wet wing design, can claim such design is inadequte and substandard comparing to industry practise. Everyone should spend a few minutes and read George's declaration. Such conflict of interest... It's not to late to send your GAMI injectos in to get them recalibrated. When GAMI goes out of business because of this, you would want to have a new set of clean gami injectors.......
  2. If I'm remebering correctly, Deltahawks are two stroke diesel aren't they? Then why would it be a surprise that their fuel efficiency sufferes? Pull up the POH of a diamond DA62, that's a 180hp turbocharged diesel with actually diesel efficiency, and look at their numbers. That's a proper modern automotive diesel certified for aircraft and is proven to be fairly reliable and cost effective.
  3. in my 77J, opening the ram air gives and extra half inch of manifold pressure. Can hardly tell if there is any difference in performance
  4. i've had my plane for just under a year now, and from what i can tell in the techlog, the tank has never been patched or resealed. There is a bit of stain under the wing but I don't think it is time for reseal yet.
  5. Just got home from my trip. This morning I did a run up and noticed nothing wrong with the engine. Idle was smooth and stable at 800rpm (100rpm higher but not a bid deal, it has been doing this since i got the plane). During both idle and run up, leaning will have the rpm rise slightly then drop. Mag check shows no roughness and engine monitors say all cylinders are firing correctly. After discussing it with my mechanic I decide to went on my way home, made a stop in winnipeg and got back with not further issue. After both landing of the day, the engine was NOT running as rough as yesterday, but i was definitely rougher then usual. I did notice, if i add full rich mixture and boost pump on, it gets worse immediately, and if i lean it all the way to almost cut off, it will runs smoothly. I suppose it is a mixture issue then. what i do not understand is, how could an mixture setting works fine before departure, with a thoroughly warmed up engine, but will cause it to run overly rich after landing?
  6. I was running pretty lean on descent until very short final, which then I push the mixture known to about one inch from full rich. my idle mixture was just adjusted this summer as well because it was running rich, showing a 200 rise. After my mechanic in Toronto made the adjustment, it’s only a slight rise of about 50 or so.
  7. And are those gasket really that fragile? I had just over 100 hours on this engine and I suppose those gaskets was replaced during engine overhaul?
  8. I was only running rich for a few minutes in climb, and for the past 100 hour or so my plug always looks fine during oil change and annuals. i blocked off about half, maybe a bit less like 40%. I doesn’t want to start with a big block and causes the engine to run too hot. I was cruising at 10000ft at WOT 2600rpm, and peak egt. OAT is -24
  9. I didn’t do a mag check on shut down… I was in a bit of hurry to shut down and run inside to use the washroom… I’m going to do a thorough run up tomorrow morning, add some tcp to fuel, and see how it goes.
  10. So after roughly four hours of cruise, my engine was missfiring after landing if i tried to idle it during row out and taxi. It didn’t die, but was really miss firing, rpm was bouncing around 100rpm, manifold pressure also bouncing around. But if i throttle up a little to 1000rpm it started to run fine. I was leaning the full flight and on the ground properly this time and I’ve never seen something like this before. the engine was idling just fine during run up before departure. I’m suspecting lead fouling, since the CHT for all cylinders never went above 280F, any ideas? @Slick Nick
  11. There isn’t any piston oil available below 15w50 isn’t it? Or is there some brand which I’ve never heard of?
  12. I sincerly apreciate your reply. I used to be a firm supporter of G100UL and really hoped it is a direct drop in replacement. However these issue that emerged in the past weeks, and your deflective answer doesn't inspire any confidence for me as an owner. When we ask if your fuel will damage our paint, you keep saying under normal circustances it won't. But we want to know what about specific circumstances that happens on our plane? To be honest, at this point I will stick with 100LL until G100UL is more widely used, when it is proven by other user.
  13. I saw those picture you posted previously and asked you if it is possible for you to repeat condition shown in Luvara's experiment. I believe @IvanP's M20K also showed paint damage, not only @gabez Are you saying the youtube test made by Luvara is falsified? Since you denied your paint will causes damage, yet his test clearly demonstrated your fuel will strip paint like paint stripper if it is allow to sit and dry. And let's not go into mooney have bad tank design all over again. Mooney tank weeps, that's a fact. But that doesn't change the fact your fuel will damage paint with a weeping leak. If you fuel can't handle then we really shouldn't use it. And let's be honest, damage shown on @gabez and @IvanP's planes are not typical 100LL stain. We all know that. Would you like to say, with a tiny leak, it is impossible for G100UL to cause that kind of damage? And insist G100UL is safe to use in our Mooneys?
  14. So after all these back and forth, do you achknowledge G100UL, under certain condition, will damage aircraft paint? Or do you insist G100UL will not damage airplane paint whatsoever? Are you aware of this issue prior to @gabezmade this thread here?
  15. I have a canopy cover but no wing cover. I find wing cover to be mostly useless because moisture will condense below it and freeze. I'm going to spray the plane with hot type 1 fluid and make sure it is properly clean before departure. My battery was just replaced this summer, and new muffler this spring too... I hope they will last me a long time.
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