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  1. All, Thank you for the insight and recommendations. I'll attack this problem in a two step approach: 1) As a temporary measure, I've re-computed the CG using the weights from the most recent weighing and the arms provided by N204TA to arrive at a CG of 45.8"....much more realistic. I'll use this while I fly with my instructor to obtain my insurance-mandated hours and also for my flights when solo or with one other person until the annual. 2) I'll request a re-weigh at the end of the annual in September and I'll make sure to look over the numbers closely. Thanks again for the excellent inputs and advice.
  2. Looking for input and advice from the experts. The M20F I just purchased appears to have an extreme aft CG of 52.83" empty from a weighing done in April this year. One question is the in item #5 which has the nose being -3.5" forward of the datum when the Service and Maintenance Manual (Rev E 9-1-81, pg 2-5) has the nose gear trunion point at STA -5. If I'm correct, that change would only adjust the CG to 50.1"...the aft edge of, but within, the CG envelope. Does anyone else have a similar situation? If so, how do you work with it? How can the CG be reasonably adjusted? I know that any weight aft of the CG is "bad" in this situation and any options to remove aft weight is preferred. For example, the aircraft has an HF clothesline-type antenna from the top of the cabin to the tail which may have options to replace. I was hoping to remove the ADF instruments but not until the CG is addressed. Reasonable suggestions welcome. I've attached the core of the W&B report (tail number, current owner and weigh stations names not include out of respect) W&B.pdf
  3. Nice airplane - very close to what I'm looking to purchase. Are the logbooks digitally available (except for the mentioned prop logbooks)? Any damage history (not a show stopper for this type/age airplane).
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