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Matthew P

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  • Model
    1966 M20E

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  1. Sorry to trouble you, searched POH, AFM and MAPA references and only see reference for 52 gallon total fuel, don't see anywhere that lists usable fuel, checked a few comments online and have heard everything from 48 gal usable to 52 gal usable, but no reference for 48 gal and the absence of usable reference to state that all 52 gal is usable. Doesn't really matter in that I NEVER go 6 gallons in either tank, just curious What an I missing? TIA
  2. Where are you located, maybe I can fly to you
  3. Hope you have a speedy recovery, currently located at KMDQ (Huntsville Executive Airport, AL)
  4. Who are you using to insure your Mooney, currently paying $3600 a year, looking to finish up my Instrument and Commercial add-ons as I'm already a Commercial Rotary wing /Instrument rated pilot..had hoped to complete it before April (policy renewal) but having trouble finding a CFII that meets the insurance requirements to conduct the training....so looking to shop around.
  5. Thanks, how much are you asking?
  6. Original Ignition Switch going bad, the wafers in the tumbler are worn, new switch is $700, looking for alternative, as I understand it, for the age of the aircraft (1966) it's form, fit and function and a field approval 337 to use the following switch, can anyone tell me if they currently use this switch (with the start position) ACS Keyed Ignition Switch With Start Position A-510-2 FAA-PMA https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/igswitches.php Aircraft configured with SureFly on the left, Mag on the right, SOS removed.. TIA, Matt
  7. MAKE SURE, you tell the seller that he needs to completely top off the tanks BEFORE you start the pre-buy so that you can check for leaks, I got hosed on this as the leaks were at the top side of the tank (Right Side) and I didn't find out till after the sale when I topped it off to fly it home.
  8. Thanks, may take you up on it if the locksmith can't do anything with it..
  9. And yet, when you buy a used aircraft you assume that the ones doing the maintenace...do the maintenance and don't pencilwhip it, but we know that's not the case, I bought a plane last year that had come out of a $10K annual from one of the best known MSCs, and it is amazing what was missed on that annual....so I'm a little skeptical and concerned.
  10. Well, you are lucky thus far, but gears and motors don't last forever
  11. I understand there is a rebuild kit for the Bendix Ignition for the Contacts, etc. But is there one for replacing the tumblers that are worn to the point the key can be removed from ANY switch position? NOT looking forward to forking out $700 for a new one as the used ones seem to have the same issue. TIA matt
  12. The FAA has assigned a case manager (engineer) to our request, awaiting word back from him/her. To answer your question, probably more than I'm willing to spend as an individual.
  13. Some good news. I heard back from the FAA this morning, they have agreed to assign my (our) request to an FAA Aerospace Engineer to look into and assist with a solution, I made them aware that there is a company that states that they are making that gear set but that their "customer" isn't interested in making those parts available, so maybe they can persuade the "customer" to make the parts available to us or provide the original drawings and metallurgy report needed to verify that the gearsets we are wanting to have produced under OPP meet/exceed OEM.
  14. So, involving the DER is premature at this point until I am able to determine the material and heat treatment (if any) that is used, once I have that information and can show that the parts will meet/exceed OEM then I can get the DER to review/approve. Unfortunately, the process isn't as easy as one would think, I haven't been in contact with a single gear manufacturer that is interested in dealing with an individual, they only want to deal with a "company." I've texted Mooney's CEO" ...crickets....but I'm still working the issue...I DID find a company that is willing to do a Rockwell Hardness Test and determine what material and whether they used a heat treatment on the gears, so once I get that report we will have the CAD Drawings and Materials Specification...just a reminder that I only had access to a 20:1 gear set, I'm sure someone knowledgeable could take the CAD files and render a 40:1 drawing as i would prefer the 40:1 if possible. If anyone has any personal contacts in the gear manufacturing business, please let me know..
  15. DER not needed until I get the drawings, which I have, and the Material Specifications to show that the gearset will meet/exceed OEM, then it would be looked at by the DER,
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