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Matthew P

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    1966 M20E

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  1. So, I have a 1966 E and the landing gear horn CB, when pulled, extinguisher BOTH the landing gear indicator lights AND the horn...so maybe they are wired differently between models...also to note, it came from the factory with the Johnson bar and directly over to Dougosh for the electric landing gear install, so maybe they wired it differently...
  2. Somehow they are tied in that when I pull the gear horn cb, it extinguishes the light and the horn
  3. I have had 2 people tell me that the advance timing messed up their engines, so that's the premise of my question/concern...it was quite a few years ago so not sure if it was a problem that was engineered out or if maybe theirs wasn't installed properly..
  4. Thanks...I'm troubleshooting the issue with the gear warning buzzer going off even though the gears are up and I'm flying 25/25...normally it would go off at extremely low/idle position of the throttle if the gear was indicating up.
  5. Decided on putting in the SureFly and getting rid of the left MAG and Shower of Sparks, A&P asked me if I wanted it configured standard or to allow for advanced timing at higher altitudes.....I've heard stories of issues with the advance timing and a few people on this forum, a few years ago recommended against it.....looking for more recent information incase they had an issue previously but have worked the bugs out. Yes, got new harnesses made (Maggie). I appreciate your time.
  6. Excellent, thank you everyone, I appreciate your time.
  7. I'm confused, you say it is as Scott indicated, in the belly, but obvious if looking at it with the gear down, so is in in the nose, right mail, left main or under a belly panel that needs to be removed?
  8. Electric gear, where is the contact switch located that indicates the gear is up
  9. Problem is, you can't get either the 20:1 or 40:1
  10. I've asked for both parts, 20:1 and 40:1 and was told the same...unfortunately, unless the FAA comes through, I will only have info (CAD drawings and metalurgy report) for the 20:1 gear sets, I'm sure a gear manufacturer could take the drawings from the 20:1 gears and come up with drawings for 40:1, I will certainly ask the question once I get the metalurgy report and able to send out for quotes.
  11. Are the gears still good, if so, would you consider selling
  12. hate to ask but what did that cost?
  13. I'm sorry, I was confusing Johnny with Frank Crawford...Senior moment...Frank is the one that is asking about alternatives...
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