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  1. I would just want to get my plane back up in the air, so it's not ideal, but way better than sitting on the ground.
  2. How hard is it to throw an old tach in the plane not really mounted anywhere if this problem doesn't get figured out soon? I have no idea what's involved in the process here.
  3. Maybe I'm blind, but I don't see your part list further up this thread, do you mind reposting what you're using?
  4. I have this coming up and am planning to use them. Robert said to package the mags very carefully, any tips on what you did? Also is this something an owner can do or do I need an A&P to do it? There's another thread around here with issues connecting it back to Garmin EIS for rpm monitoring. I have a g500TXI as my engine interface, that not working is what I'm most afraid of atm.
  5. I need to get my mechanic the IPC and AMM for my 79 m20j. I believe the AMM listed here should work but I don't know where to find the IPC, does anyone have any recommendations?
  6. This is terrifying me, I have a g500txi as the only engine monitor and my dual mag is coming up on it's 500 hour and I was trying to figure out how to get the mag to van nuys until this thread popped up (the plane is new to me as of September, so I haven't gone through any of this yet).
  7. How do I tell the level? The reservoir doesn't seem to have any external indicator.
  8. Thanks for all the insight here, definitely good to know. Fortunately the breaks are working well, so I'm not messing with this thing ATM.
  9. I was replacing my battery for the first time yesterday and there's a reservoir above the battery with some kind of oil/grease in it, but I have no idea where it goes. Does anyone know what it is? It's the canister mounted to the left on the back of the baggage compartment.
  10. Which triflow should be used?
  11. I'm looking for an A&P near KSBP for just minor normal stuff. Anyone have recommendations?
  12. Do you have more details on how to handle these scenarios and what people do wrong?
  13. If you're going to puncture the filter and use air to push the oil from the filter back into the engine, isn't there a risk of pushing the stuff the filter caught back into the engine?
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