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Everything posted by BadMooneyRising

  1. I was having the same issue with my 74 F model. This thread saved the day! I went underneath and sprayed the Up Limit switch with contact cleaner, and now the gear works like a charm. Just a temporary solution, but glad I was able to diagnose the problem and get the plane back in the air with the help of this thread. Thanks y'all!
  2. I was working with my mechanic the other day to swap out the steering horn (newer style) on my 1974 F model. The plane has a very aggressive shimmy after landing when slowing down to about 20 kts, and will also shimmy if you taxi fast enough. So that's ultimately what we're trying to address. After putting the plane on jacks and removing all the necessary bolts and linkages, we hit a deadend when we weren't able to remove the Shaft Assembly. We thought it would slide right out, but it seemed like it was getting held up somewhere. Does anyone know what we did wrong? Does the entire nose gear need to be dropped to perform a complete swap of the steering horn?
  3. @PT20J Thanks. I did find this listing on eBay. Appears to be an identical part… https://www.ebay.com/itm/204507674527
  4. Hi folks, any recommendations for a replacement manifold pressure/fuel combo gauge? It’s for a 1974 F model. Found a couple shops for overhaul, but would prefer a swap.
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