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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Great find! Please post any follow up videos! Good luck with your project.
  2. Does anyone know if there are any M20 for rent at KVGT North Las Vegas airport? I can't seem to find any, so I figured that I would ask here. Thanks for any assistance.
  3. Thanks, that looks like a good place to start my search.
  4. Does anyone know if there are any M20 to rent at the North Las Vegas (KVGT) airport? I am have a difficult time finding anything more than C-172s or PA-28s to rent. I know that I rented a M20 years ago, but that aircraft is no longer around. Eventually I want to purchase my own M20F, or a share of one, but I am not in a position to buy at the moment. Any information would be appricated. Thanks.
  5. I thought that a couple of those pictures looked like the mountains around VGT. I am not at a point that I can buy my plane yet. I will definitely be buing a Mooney one day. Good luck in finding a buyer.
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