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  1. F
  2. I’m not sure of that. Here we just have the right to do minor mechanic ( 50h , changing lights or battery for example). anything that is considered as critical for flying is prohibited for a simple plane owner. 100h/annual is considered as such. Maybe it is possible to find a « freelance » mechanist that would accept to work with the owner, but I’m not sure it’s completely legal. I once asked to assist a 50h visit to learn… the chief of the mechanists refused, saying he didn’t want outside people in his structure, and that he didn’t want me to learn how to steal his job… not a fun guy…
  3. Would be a top experience. But unfortunately my Mooney is under French regulation. I can only do 50hours visit. 100hours must be handled by a certified mechanist…
  4. Yep! The only think that bother me is that every year it is one or two hours more…
  5. Ok thanks everyone! So my mechanist seems to be a slow one. My last annual he billed me 37 hours with no extra work…
  6. Hi, For M20J owners, could you tell me the aproximate duration of a 100h / annual visit with no additional work? thx!
  7. I’m having a doubt on how to manage my cruise power setting. Since I bought my mooney I use to do as the previous owner told me: rpm at no more than 2400 on a M20 J with an IO360. The manual says that with this power settings I’m having 50/55 % of power bitween FL80/120. For having 65% of power at FL 120 I have to set the rpm at 2600, knowing that the max rpm setting is 2700. Is it a problem to cruise at 2600 ( nearly max speed) for hours? Does it have an impact an engine life time?
  8. I’ve eventually found where is the problem. Not the transducer or the gauge, but the display! If I push hard just near the needle, it goes back to the right position… it’s a good news for me! I now know how to check if the fuel pressure is still ok!
  9. At full power it’s 27/28 steady. I did not tried to ground the transducer.
  10. Updates of my fuel pressure problem. I’ve checked the ground, it seems to be ok. I’ve flown 4 hours this week end, trying to note when and how the fluctuations appears. So no trouble at all during climbing. It seems that the fluctuations increases withe height and flight time. It also seems to be in relation with the plane movement . On turbulent air, when the plane shake, the fuel pressure too. Engine always running smooth despite the fuel pressure fluctuations… and to finish, fluctuations are very present during descent…
  11. Yes, it is completely random! It can happen at cruise speed, or with low power during descent. It appears regularly during 3 or 4 flights then disappear for one or two flights. The only time I’ve never had this problem is during climb at full power…
  12. Here is what it makes… despite those heavy fluctuations, engine always runs smoothly
  13. Hello, I’m having a similar problem. My fuel pressure can stay steady for 3 or 4 flights and beginning to fluctuate from 14 to 28/29 psi without any warning. One or two times it even drops near 0 psi. The engine still run smoothly. I've shown videos of the instrument to my mechanist. I was anable to do it again during the tests he ran. He finally told me that as long as it was random, with no consequence on the engine and other parameters, it feels to him that it was only a trouble with the instrument. He also said that the electric pump is here to help in case he would have been wrong. Do the others mooney owners here have found a solution? Did someone here experienced a failure of the fuel pump after having those fuel pressure fluctuation?
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