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  1. Did you ever come up with someone close to the Louisville Lexington area?
  2. Here are my wingtips. I appreciate your help.
  3. Does anyone know of a direct plug-in LED replacement for position lights / strobes / beacon for a 1965 M20C with 201 wingtip mods?
  4. Just Got and installed the par46 WAT G3! It’s bright! Was wondering about the voltage though, it say 14V, but my M20C says it’s a 12V system, is that a problem?
  5. Is this the one that will work with a 1965 M20C? https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/whelenplus461l.php?clickkey=3018212 thanks for the help!
  6. Thank you everyone for the quick responses! I’m getting super excited about this transition in my aviation career!
  7. Hello Mooney community! I am about to join you in 2 weeks with the purchase of a M20C. However I am a fairly low time pilot and next to no Mooney time. So, I am looking for a fellow Mooney Pilot CFI who would be willing to train and possibly accompany me in the flight from Sacramento to Kentucky. This will be the week of march 20th. I would appreciate any help!
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