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Roger M

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  1. On my M20M, I want to remove my front radio antenna on top of the plane, clean the contact point antenna to airframe, and reinstall. What is the procedure for removing the headliner without damaging it?
  2. Stall strip is aluminum 12" long. Triangular about 1/2" deep. FIKI takes 2 glue on (no screw holes) strips per wing. I need one to replace lost strip. What adhesive do I need
  3. Thank you all for helping me with this issue.
  4. I just purchased this plane and found the high pressure oxygen line (item 2 on the parts page image attached) missing. I also attached an image of the tee fitting where the line connects. Can you tell me where to get this line Or alternatively, thickness and length of this line and who might be able to manufacture it for me.
  5. Thanks for all who responded. I do appreciate it.
  6. I just purchased 1996 M20M with recently overhauled Lycoming 540. When advancing the throttle past idle, fuel sprays out of this uncapped port. Do I need to cap it? What do I need to do to correct this issue?
  7. I need to rig the flight controls on my newly accquired M20M. Can you help me find the travel boards required? Rent or Purchase? Is there a better way to rig the flight controls?
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