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  1. Hello all. For the past few years I have had intermittent issues with flaps on my 65 M20C. We have been in 2 different mechanic shops and worked on it countless hours at home. A few years ago, the pump was serviced at LASAR and seals replaced, pressure check normal on bench (sent there twice). Most recently, we had big actuator leak. That was replaced with a rebuilt actuator and flaps did not function well thereafter. Replaced with a newer used pump. We bled the system multiple times and tried to adjust, then replaced a fatigued spring at the ball valve. Function was improved for a short time thereafter. After a few weeks, regressed to a place where she was holding full flaps, but bleeding up at any partial flap position. At annual this year, we tried to flush and re-bleed the system. Tried suction technique from the back, then pressure pod from the back - even positive pressure at the back and suction from the reservoir side. We never felt as though we were able to get all air bubbles from the system…. When we would work the pump, we just kept getting more and more air. In addition, even in the flaps down position, fluid will transit back to front at a similar rate to the flaps up position. Currently, flaps will go down with a variable number of pumps (5-7) and will bleed up even from the full down position. So now unsure if ball valve is not seating and/or if there is some leak in the system allowing ingress of air (although we dont see a significant visible outward hydraulic fluid leak). Is anyone pressure testing or vacuum testing this system to make sure not a small leak before just exhaustive bleeding? Is there anyone with a deep love and expertise on these hydraulic systems in Florida area who’d be interested to have a crack at it? I know that previous threads have talked about the simplicity and beauty of this manual system, but I am getting frustrated enough with the chronic problems and lack of readily available parts, that also starting to entertain the idea of an electrical conversion. Does anyone have experience or suggestions on a kit for conversion from hydraulic to electric? Many thanks in advance for any help!
  2. Hey there, what is the best way to organize getting this done and maybe pics of brake cylinders and steering horn/components? I dont know how to do private messages on here? I have a fellow named Joyce Ashiow emailing and calling from a Google Voice number… I was getting the feeling that is a scammer, but please let me know if it is you:) Many thanks. W
  3. Thank you Hank, sounds like a nice takeoff and cruise. I read one of your other threads and it was very helpful as well.
  4. Hey there, wondering if you have a few parts available? Flap master cylinder and slave cylinder Brake master cylinder Steering horn and components Many thanks. W
  5. Hey guys. We are in Florida with a 65’ M20C and looks like we are on last overhaul for the Hartzell. We use shorter soft fields quite often, so was considering going for a 3-blade. For the guys that have gone 3-blade, does the takeoff performance convincingly make-up for the added initial cost and reduced cruise? Would much appreciate any thoughts, comparative performance indices, and/or specific props that you guys have experience with! Many thanks in advance. W
  6. Does anyone have a PDF for a 66’ M20-C that they could share? Many thanks in advance, Weston Westondavisdvm@gmail.com
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