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  1. Hello, Right now my main goal is an MSE (done with renting) and would like to know more about that bird. I completely respect what you have to say. There is alot to say about a twin and as money affords I see myself going that way. (growing family) any reason in peticular you mentioned a 414 opposed to a 340? Thanks, Tom
  2. Thank you all again, Soo what i am thinking is to get my tail dragger ticket do some areobatic manuvers.........(under strict supervision) i have some time in a champ and shweitzer glider time with my Grandpa when i was 8.. or 9, block some time in a 72 and scince over all my end choice i think would be an MSE then continue training ..comments? Tom
  3. interesting thought I read about rigging properly also
  4. Thanks That is what I expected just needed to hear it (snap out of it man)
  5. Thank you all, I'm chkd out 152 72 and 82. To buy I have looked at the mooney for alot of reasons and stuctural integrity is one of my interests. I have seen folded up Cessnas not so bad. Pipers seem to be nothing left ever, same with bo's and all I hear is break up break up! I have 178 hrs and 10+ instument, watch and read everything I can. The Dakota still is a big want along with the F35A or V33 a choice 182 with a little more ponies or the 201 mostly I think a Ranger with johnson bar gear and manual flaps tricked out like new. wife does not like the high wing to much but I will talk her into it if an instructor tells me I have to build more time. Lost a friend in a P180 stall spin so in my mind I worry survivability of the Dakota. Bottom line (get to the point man) is after reading your comments it seems every aircraft has its things and if operated outside the envelope it will bite you. I just cant get all the accident numbers or I need to look elswhere than google. I am looking at 4 manufactures and you scared me almost off the mooney but than again? .... any comments on these 4 aircraft? Like the low wing...Help us Obi-Wan Kenobi Your our only hope. Thanks again, Tom
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