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  1. Wow DC, after watching that I’ve been doing it all wrong. I never lean on the ground and my engine CHTs run low 300s. I’ll start running them higher and leaning on the ground.
  2. Hello, for about a month now on the first start of the day with a cold engine, after a few minutes I get a vibration on my engine. Along with the vibration I get an EGT drop (90 degrees) on the number two cylinder. This lasts about five seconds and then goes back to normal. I have an IO360 A1A (500 SMOH) with Lycoming fuel injectors initially I thought it was an ignition problem, but when I tested my magneto‘s at 1000 RPM, the EGT’s would spike up on a single magneto. This is making me think it’s a fuel issue. I removed and cleaned the injector and it looked fine. I remove spark plugs and they as well look fin. When the engine is warm I have no issues. Mag drops or less than 50 at run-up. Any ideas?
  3. Hello, I have a 64 M20E with the IO360. It has 400hrs SMOH and 18hrs since IRAN (New cam, lifters, bearings, cylinders were reconditioned with new rings). I have been running Aeroshell 80 SAE 40 mineral oil for break in. I have original instrument cluster and a JPI 700 engine monitor with oil temp. When I start the engine I get 75ish psi at 1000rpm on the oil pressure gauge. When I push it up to 1500rpm the oil goes pressure goes up to mid 80s. At 2300rpm on the ground it goes to mid 90s. I have confirmed the pressure with a calibrated shop gauge. The pressure is in the green while I taxi and at takeoff power. once I level off I notice that the pressure starts to come down. In cruise I see roughly 55psi indicated at 24 squared. My oil temp is in the 180s per analog and JPI 700 gauges. I know that the vernatherm should be operating around roughly 180 to allow oil to flow to the cooler. The cooler was overhauled in 2011 before I owned it. The pressure relief valve has 6 washers (9 max per IPC) under it. I added a 7th washer but was seeing 115psi cold at 1500rpm. I did not want to go any hiring with the rpm. I opted to take out the 7th washer. I am going to remove oil cooler and flush out and see if that helps. Does anyone have any ideas on why the pressure drops like that?
  4. So no one knows of a silicone style set of baffles for the mooneys
  5. Hello I was wondering if anyone knew of a kit to replace my doghouse baffling to a "traditional" silicone style baffling? I have a 64 M20E.
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