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William A

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Everything posted by William A

  1. Ok so where do most go to buy a used Mooney? Controller.Com, barnstormers, here?
  2. Yes thank you N201MKTurbo! For my potential once a year scenario I was curious if it’s possible to get out fully loaded. If so I will go non turbo for the 90% local flying I will do and hopefully have less upkeep and slightly less cost operating. Also probably won’t go full fuel and fill up after getting over the ridges heading back East. Just nice to know it’s not a deal breaker for me and my first Mooney.
  3. Thank you carusoam I will look for David and Mitch!
  4. Does anyone on here remember any of my family? Dad Bill Aston, grandpa Weldon Baker, uncles Randy Baker and Kenneth Baker?
  5. 1980 Mooney thank you! That was great information for me to chew on actually. I have a feeling I will starting with the J model 1980-84ish and learn for another 100 hours before taking my family on any long trips! I hear you on the costs. I just hate sharing these rentals. Everyone screws them up right before you want to fly! At least w my own plane it’s just me I can blame. If I’m going to throw another $20k out this year I’d like it to go towards something I can control.
  6. That’s exactly what I was looking for. What do you need to get out of there if you were at max gross? 200hp J model minimum or the 210hp turbocharged K model and up?
  7. Let’s say max gross max useful load.
  8. I’m ready to get the plane I plan on keeping for years and learning to fly it. I’m going Mooney for sentimental value, performance, and efficiency. Tired of throwing $150-200/hr in rental fees and having maintenance issues with the rentals 30% of the time. Will the J model get me out of KAXX especially during warmer summer months? Only 75 degrees there today! But density altitude says 10,500.
  9. My dad, grandpa, and 2 uncles worked for Mooney from 1970s to 1980s. I’m a new pilot just received my PPL and am bored with my 110 hours in a Cessna 172. I’d like to go ahead and look at getting endorsed in a Mooney and for my mission of 80-90% local flying in Fort Worth Tx I’m contemplating J vs K (non turbo 200hp vs turbo 210). Probably go to my hometown of Kerrville and see my grandparents 1-2 times a year, Lawton Oklahoma 2-3 a year, see my son starting college in Abilene 3-4 times a year and my biggest trip I’d love to take is to Angel fire New Mexico once a year. My big question is would it be worth getting the K model for the turbo if you can fly into KAXX at 11,500ft? Would a regular non turbo J model make the climb back out to get me home? William
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