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  1. The flap gap seals are sold…
  2. The C wing has less fuel capacity - for one. But also, only the ‘67 F wings have a twist towards the tip. That twist requires slightly different rigging of the elevator which means a bellcrank for the elevator linkage has different dimensions than the one used on a straight wing. That’s what ultimately made me realize the difference. My ‘67 F, when rigged by the book, would fly straight and level with the elevator slightly pitched. I had to rig it out of spec to get it to fly true. In order to do that, one of the heim joints on the bellcrank was extended just beyond the safety hole on the threads - which I knew meant something wasn’t right. That’s when the lightbulb went on and I looked up the part number on the bellcrank and sure enough, ‘67 has a different part number from all the other straight wing F’s. The twisted wing was not a good idea. It slowed the airframe down and they did away with that idea the next year. My ‘67 F with a C (straight) wing was probably the fastest airframe of all ‘67 F’s! This wing change was done after a gear up landing totaled the original wing. Logbook entry was vague and didn’t mention that the wing was not an F model. No part number was given. Previous owner passed so when I bought it, the mystery began. It took a few years to figure it all out.
  3. I just looked in the box. It is both the flap gap AND aileron seal kits from LASAR. There is STC paperwork and rivets. I ordered it in 2008.
  4. I’m not sure he’s a member here (yet) so not sure if he’ll see this… :)
  5. It is for the M20F so it should fit your 1975. I only say ‘should’ in case I’m unaware of any specific difference in your year. You could easily verify by calling Lasar. I bought it for a ‘67 M20F.
  6. New in box. I ordered them 14 years ago for a plane that was new to me at the time but found out that my M20F had a C wing! So I never installed them. It’s all from LASAR SOLD….
  7. Sold...
  8. Cruises at 8.8gph LOP doing 140-160kt at 12,5 to 14,5 depending on winds aloft.
  9. Yes, I wondered that on that rudder trim too... Hoping to find her a new home soon!
  10. I find the lack of formatting ability on this forum quite frustrating. Not sure if it's something I'm doing or not doing but I couldn't arrange pics or format type. This has been a great plane - my second F model. My first one had no turbo and I found that put me in potentially dangerous situations with all the over-mountain flying I was doing at the time. I no longer commute so I have no reason to fly her like she should be flown. Hopefully I can find her a nice new home!
  11. 820SMOH Many mods including 201 cowl, NEW windshield, one-piece belly, Gami's, JPI engine analyzer, Rayjay Turbo with intercooler, spin on oil filter, electric trim, on-wing mechanical fuel guages, stereo 4-place intercom, wingtips with strobes, etc. This was made when Aerostar owned the company and it's one of the 12 scorpion tail Mooneys made. Located in South Lake Tahoe, CA. $89.9k
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