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  1. Greetings, Riddle me this, please ~ It's my understanding the wing of the M20Mike utilizes a single-component, full-span spar. What is the scenario for repair should significant damage occur to the spar; that portion of the wing as a whole ~ tip, mid-span or root...? Is such an aircraft simply written-off? Are there known, acceptable standards of repair or is critical damage to the spar the Achilles heal of a Mooney from the context of once damaged, the aircraft, that wing, is done. If, for instance, a Bravo taxis along, minding her own business while a GSE tug backs into her =>, resulting in a damaged spar. What would a repair look like? Or, if that spar is compromised, is that wing pretty much scrap? Tom
  2. Thanks, carusoam! I placed a craigslist ad in the Seattle aviation section in hopes I might connect with a local Bravo owner who would consider having me along on a few familiarization flights. Didn't dawn on me until just now I could do the same here. I'm happy to buy the fuel. Tom
  3. Greetings, My first post. I'm a life-long aviation nut and nearly pulled the trigger on a nice Bravo a few years ago. I've been a lurker here, on MS, for some time now; getting schooled on Mooney aircraft generally; the Bravo in particular. I am hoping to purchase a Bravo later, this year. In wanting to know more about the aircraft on a deep-dive level, I discovered this thread about manuals. I hate that my first post has me asking for anything but I would sure love a copy if the offer still stands. Mooney Space has to be the most squared away forum online. I think that reflects the nature of Mooney owners - good, salt of Earth solid folks. Thank you, Tom
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