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Everything posted by NewM20CPIC

  1. Excellent. I bought one. Thanks
  2. This may upset some of you but not nearly as much as it does me.  I purchased my M20c last February.  Instead of just doing a pre-buy, I had the mechanic do a full annual, and with the exception to a few minor issues that he reported, he cleared the aircraft for purchase.   From day one he told me that the cht would be high on #4 but would likely burn and return to normal after leaning it and high RPM run up a few times.  Well, guess what?  Since owning the bird, I had to do a full top overhaul.  It turned a large amount of aluminum was discovered during the first oil change.  Sent the sample in for analysis and it turned out it was active damage occurring with each flight. The heads were rubbing against the cylinder walls of the number 2.  It was not the #4.  The number for did have an issue but it was only a bad probe and that was easily repaired.  Now, I wasn't happy the large unexpected expense but I thought I'd bite the bullet on that one and just keep it moving.  Well, not so fast buckeroo.......Just had the annual performed by a different mechanic since the first one and it turns out the landing gear has old corrosion.  This was missed by the mechanic during the pre-buy/annual.  That means the bird was not airworthy before or after the inspection by the first guy's pre-buy/annual.  I'm mostly venting and pondering my next move but I would like my aviators to weigh in.  Please share your thoughts.  Thanks.


  3. Has anyone have a hack or two that might help keep the IPad mini from over heating? I thought it may have been from being connected to power but later realized it warned me of over heating without being plugged in. 91%, that day.
  4. Thanks Tim. If I didn't say so congratulations on your M20C. How much flying were you doing before you got it and how much you are you doing now?
  5. Okay, that aluminum tube. lol.
  6. I thought I added a new photo but it didn't seem to post. Hmmm. I will try again.
  7. That's true. I really like this Mooney space so why not?
  8. I went to WHP because my son live in the San Fernando Valley. That way also had a lower mountain pass. Had I seen your text before hoping on United Airlines I could have at least considered that route. The good news is I got the bird and I'm back in Georgia safe and sound. You guys were absolutely correct about it being a slippery bird.
  9. If you're as stubborn as me you'll have it sooner than you think. I've seen nice ones out there but costs and conditions all over the board. Try reading as much as you can about the aircraft and the group chats have been God sent in many cases. It's like having family everywhere.
  10. Yes sir. Thank you. I'm at Hartsfield Jackson as we speak.
  11. Yes sir, I'm counting on it since I want to start my IFR training. A month ago I passed the written as well. Thanks for the heads up.
  12. Thank you, Ohdub. I'm very excited.
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