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About JModelDave

  • Birthday 12/28/1965

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  1. You can also check the area around the wing sumps, inboard gear well and the belly pan next to the sumps for blue stains. We had a K model in our shop last month weeping at the inboard rear corner of the tank and the owner was smelling fuel in the cockpit..
  2. Chuck is correct, check all wiring including the ground to the engine to make sure connections are clean and tight. We have also seen in our shop that a faulty starter contactor can sometimes cause similar problems.
  3. I agree with the previous post. Engine Lord mounts may be deteriorating or simply need to be shimmed. Control surfaces certainly appear to be out of rig.
  4. One thing to check is to see if the light socket on the gear light for visual indicator in the floor may be shorting intermittently. We just ran into a very similar problem on a K-Model at our shop and it turned out to be a bad gear down limit switch. It should also be noted that the gear rigging should be checked ( which requires special tooling) if the switch is changed. We check the gear rigging on Mooneys at annual at our shop.
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