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  1. My A&P and I are replacing engine mounts and looking for maintenance manual guidance. I have a downloaded manual that doesn’t address the process. Anyone have any direction on where to secure such a thing? Thanks!
  2. Thanks Paul!
  3. My GMX200 display is intermittently distorted. It was present during a flight yesterday but by the time I shut down 30 minutes later the resolution had returned to normal. I reseated the connections today and cycled on/off several times but the distortion remained. Temps here in the Washington state have dropped recently and I am wondering if this may be related. Anyone else see this? Also, it seems to resolve from the left side of the screen to the right.
  4. Thanks all. It looks like a prop overhaul is in the offing. It has been 15 years since the last one. Still has over 800 hours left but especially with the leaking seal it is safe say it is long overdue.
  5. I noticed some faint streaking on the windscreen prior to my last flight of 12 minutes. After putting the airplane away, I performed a wipe down and noticed a very faint dark speckling around the spinner on the engine cowl. Oil level is holding steady and no other obvious leaks. Last oil change was ~23 hours ago. Any ideas? To see the spray pattern, you have to zoom in.
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