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Everything posted by Ump44

  1. Thank you sir
  2. Thank you this is the kind of info I'm looking far.
  3. Was hoping not to have to step up that much of a plane, but it may have to be. A few of the trips would only be two travelers, just don't want to be disappointed with my decision.
  4. Thank you I will look to see if I can find them
  5. I guess we are bigger than average. 640lbs is human occupancy
  6. Thank you for the reply.. I am really glad to hear this can be done. I knew there had to be someone else out there with the same passion for golf as flying. Have you done this? Would like to know your thoughts after the trip.
  7. Which Mooney models are the long vs medium vs short? I know c model is short but can not find the info on the cabin dimensions. Can anyone help?
  8. So you think its a bad idea or we will be sardines?
  9. I am new to the aviation world and would like some opinions on a plane to purchase. I'm looking to travel with three adults and three set of golf clubs. total weight is 850lbs. passengers and baggage/clubs. was thinking about a m20J, if the cabin can hold this, I have seen split rear seats that a back could be removed. Was hoping that we could lay clubs down over that seat area and still have an adult ride next to them. Would like to know if this is possible. If not with a m20j what would you recommend. Trip distance will vary quite a bit in NM.
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