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Everything posted by Farmboy561

  1. Coy would be honored to just see the interest in this post. He loved writing and having his name and picture attached to his stories. After all, there wasn't a modified Mooney until Coy modified the first one. I was there the day Coys new wife flew into Sun N Fun. I have some secret photos of them getting close and some definite secret information about the fly over during Sun N Fun that sealed the deal between them! All fun aside, I was hired by Coy about six months after Mod Works Inc. was started. I was part of the team that helped with design and ideas in the field, which lead to more FAA field approvals and STC's getting assigned. It's what Mod Works was all about. Coy had already held the world record speed in the Mooney and we just kept getting better and better. We broke our own records two more times. It was in the 90's when things just started falling apart with so much going on in the Mooney industry, Coy splitting up with Tim Coons, Kevin Surrel going off in his own direction, Bob in Venice trying to steal the STC's and started the "rocket" which I had come up with way before he did, but nobody was listening, I started my own business in another field, etc... Coy started Mooney Mart and things were off to a rough start. I helped him at the time because he was being black balled making it hard for him to get parts for his Mods. I have many top secrets about that period of time as well but they would also implicate me as well, except for the 7 year statue that would protect me! I would love to have a copy of this. I have saved some of my old photos from back in the day. I will try to post some on here. RIP Coy! You left your mark in this lifetime on many of us! Joe
  2. Coy would be honored to just see the interest in this post. He loved writing and having his name and picture attached to his stories. After all, there wasn't a modified Mooney until Coy modified the first one. I was there the day Coys new wife flew into Sun N Fun. I have some secret photos of them getting close and some definite secret information about the fly over during Sun N Fun that sealed the deal between them! All fun aside, I was hired by Coy about six months after Mod Works Inc. was started. I was part of the team that helped with design and ideas in the field, which lead to more FAA field approvals and STC's getting assigned. It's what Mod Works was all about. Coy had already held the world record speed in the Mooney and we just kept getting better and better. We broke our own records two more times. It was in the 90's when things just started falling apart with so much going on in the Mooney industry, Coy splitting up with Tim Coons, Kevin Surrel going off in his own direction, Bob in Venice trying to steal the STC's and started the "rocket" which I had come up with way before he did, but nobody was listening, I started my own business in another field, etc... Coy started Mooney Mart and things were off to a rough start. I helped him at the time because he was being black balled making it hard for him to get parts for his Mods. I have many top secrets about that period of time as well but they would also implicate me as well, except for the 7 year statue that would protect me! I would love to have a copy of this. I have saved some of my old photos from back in the day. I will try to post some on here. RIP Coy! You left your mark in this lifetime on many of us! Joe
  3. Coy would be honored to just see the interest in this post. He loved writing and having his name and picture attached to his stories. After all, there wasn't a modified Mooney until Coy modified the first one. I was there the day Coys new wife flew into Sun N Fun. I have some secret photos of them getting close and some definite secret information about the fly over during Sun N Fun that sealed the deal between them! All fun aside, I was hired by Coy about six months after Mod Works Inc. was started. I was part of the team that helped with design and ideas in the field, which lead to more FAA field approvals and STC's getting assigned. It's what Mod Works was all about. Coy had already held the world record speed in the Mooney and we just kept getting better and better. We broke our own records two more times. It was in the 90's when things just started falling apart with so much going on in the Mooney industry, Coy splitting up with Tim Coons, Kevin Surrel going off in his own direction, Bob in Venice trying to steal the STC's and started the "rocket" which I had come up with way before he did, but nobody was listening, I started my own business in another field, etc... Coy started Mooney Mart and things were off to a rough start. I helped him at the time because he was being black balled making it hard for him to get parts for his Mods. I have many top secrets about that period of time as well but they would also implicate me as well, except for the 7 year statue that would protect me! I would love to have a copy of this. I have saved some of my old photos from back in the day. I will try to post some on here. RIP Coy! You left your mark in this lifetime on many of us! Joe
  4. Coy would be honored to just see the interest in this post. He loved writing and having his name and picture attached to his stories. After all, there wasn't a modified Mooney until Coy modified the first one. I was there the day Coys new wife flew into Sun N Fun. I have some secret photos of them getting close and some definite secret information about the fly over during Sun N Fun that sealed the deal between them! All fun aside, I was hired by Coy about six months after Mod Works Inc. was started. I was part of the team that helped with design and ideas in the field, which lead to more FAA field approvals and STC's getting assigned. It's what Mod Works was all about. Coy had already held the world record speed in the Mooney and we just kept getting better and better. We broke our own records two more times. It was in the 90's when things just started falling apart with so much going on in the Mooney industry, Coy splitting up with Tim Coons, Kevin Surrel going off in his own direction, Bob in Venice trying to steal the STC's and started the "rocket" which I had come up with way before he did, but nobody was listening, I started my own business in another field, etc... Coy started Mooney Mart and things were off to a rough start. I helped him at the time because he was being black balled making it hard for him to get parts for his Mods. I have many top secrets about that period of time as well but they would also implicate me as well, except for the 7 year statue that would protect me! I would love to have a copy of this. I have saved some of my old photos from back in the day. I will try to post some on here. RIP Coy! You left your mark in this lifetime on many of us! Joe
  5. Ran across this and thought I'd chime in. Thanks John G. for the nice words. I was part of the original Mod Works before Mooney Mart came to be. Coy, Tim Coons and Kevin Surrell were all there with me. We shared many great times that will always stay with me. Kevin is gone and Coy is gone. I still have the photo of the day Joan flew in at sun-n-fun. I won't share the secrets I know of them but that was his soon to be new wife. I helped Coy get started with Mooney Mart and helped move him in that hangar. Even that was a battle with some people. I have stories that would get us both in trouble back then, but I will take those stories to my grave. Coy and I were in touch a few times prior to his passing. I can say, he never changed his way of thinking. I still talk to his daughter. He is missed and loved! Peace!
  6. Bob was partner with Coy prior to Mod Works. There wasn't a modified Mooney until Coy modified the first one. I was part of the original Mod Works team designing the mods and getting field approvals by FAA for the STC's. Some of your stories are accurate but some are not. Too much for me to write in an old post like this, but I was there as one of the major mechanics through it all. Kevin Surrell has passed and so has Coy. I still am in touch with Tim and Coy's daughters. Also a few of the original mechanics. We are all older now and have moved on.
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