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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Thanks for the responses. GeeBee, aware of the limitation for flaps limited to takeoff configuration after encountering ice. Was not aware of the stec g/s limitation to 240 feet. Did not see it in the stec manual. Could you tell me where to find it?
  2. Flying an M20R with G1000 and with an stec 55x autopilot. Before flying this wonderful airplane my procedure for ifr approaches was to fly to minimums and if I acquire adequate runways indications apply landing flaps and land. With Stec autopilot I disengage the autopilot at 1000 feet fly the rest of the approach by hand and use the landing flaps as above. If I miss I start the missed procedure, engage the autopilot on hdg and vs mode at 1000 feet and engage the nav mode after I have sequenced the gps to missed procedure. I recently flew with an instructor in a Diamond twin star simulator to improve my IFR skills. He suggested that I let the autopilot go down to minimums and if landing don’t drop the remaining flaps and trim should be correct. The pluses of my technique I think is I have a feel for the plane for at least for a minute before I land and I use full flaps. The instructor’s technique would allow me to concentrate on runway acquisition and not change the aircraft configuration close to the ground. Down side a lot to do in a missed with no go around button and only takeoff flaps. Interested in how others fly the last segment of the approach (particularly with G1000 and the Stec 55x)
  3. I fly a Mooney M20R in ifr with an stec autopilot. My project for flying in a retirement is to finish building a Zenith SD 750 as an amphib. I am progressing nicely. My mission will be to fly for fun with time to spare but I want to employ my ifr skills to not have to scud run and pop through cloud layers. Also my cross country trips will be much longer than in my Mooney (cruise 105 mph!). A one axis autopilot will be easy to install but a servo for pitch will be more difficult. So my question…. For light ifr in a slow airplane would a roll/wing leveller be enough?
  4. I fly a Mooney M20R in ifr with an stec autopilot. My project for flying in a retirement is to finish building a Zenith SD 750 as an amphib. I am progressing nicely. My mission will be to fly for fun with time to spare but I want to employ my ifr skills to not have to scud run and pop through cloud layers. Also my cross country trips will be much longer than in my Mooney (cruise 105 mph!). A one axis autopilot will be easy to install but a servo for pitch will be more difficult. So my question…. For light ifr in a slow airplane would a roll/wing leveller be enough?
  5. Thanks for the tips. Does anyone know about the electrical connection (type of connector) of the fan. Want to be prepared before taking things apart. Part number was a great tip.
  6. Definitely know the fan is running because I touched it with my fingers while it was running. Did not expect it to have no guard! Did not feel slow but hard to know if it was up to speed. Did not sick my fingers into the mfd fan to compare nor repeat the pfd/finger experiment! . On ground had a look at it and not obstructed nor covered with lint. Did not run the avionics on the ground. Could do that to compare. Never occurred to me that it might be dying a slow death. Thanks for the part number.
  7. First time I was too startled to notice when the pfd went blank and MFD went to revisionary mode! 2nd time. 30 deg OAT in direct sun on the ground, airborne after 10 minutes and then 14 C at 7000 feet about 10 min later in direct sun. About 1 or 2 min in to level flight went unserviceable for about 2 min. Glare shield was almost too hot to touch.
  8. I have a Ovation with G1000. On a couple of occasions in extremely hot weather the pfd has turned off momentarily after displaying a overheat warning. The unit fan is working. After a bit everything works again. Have not had the problem since directing the leg cooling fan in the direction of the pfd. Also keeping the glare sheet covered as much as is practical on the ground and in the air when it is hot. Plan is to install an extra fan at annual time. Thoughts, advice?
  9. I like my mooney just the way it is ;). But wondering what the design advantages were for using the rubber discs as shock absorbers and not oleos. Less wet? Smaller size? My apologies is this was answered before?
  10. Forgot to mention it for an M20R
  11. I would like to attach a small clipboard on a flexible arm to attach to the forward part of the seat rail. Any one have an idea where I could get a clamp that fit on the rail?
  12. Hello, I am new to Mooney space. I have a Mooney 2005, with G1000s and an stec 55x. I love my Mooney . My only issue has been a reoccurring problem with the autopilot. I think the trim servo stresses the computer and both end up failing. Hopefully the problem is fixed with a servo with less of a current draw. Stec/genesys has been good about things. Hopefully the fix works but my electric pitch trim is slow (a side effect of the fix). I explored switching to the Garmin but there is no stc for aircraft with G1000’s. It would be possible to do under factory drawings but no one has gotten back to me from Mooney after an initial response. My view is I am a custodian of beautiful and utilitarian bit of technology and will pay to keep it current. I would be interested in upgrading to a rate based computer. I would support getting the stec upgrade with a deposit but I am a bit too new to be form an opinion if it is feasible. Looking for advice.
  13. Hello I am new to Mooney space.I have 2005 M20R with G1000 and the 310 engine. Could someone share the checklist file with me as well. I have had the plane for a year and feel honoured to fly a Mooney ;).Thanks.
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