Just did a prebuy and annual on my Dads ‘79 J with a IO-360-A3B6, converted in ‘95. TSMOH 1460. He owned it for 35 years and I grew up in it. In my short ownership it’s burned about 0.75qts in almost 4 hours of flying and is down to 6.25. I owned a ‘66 C previously.
The first flight out of annual I discovered a very small amount of fine mist I think is oil on the windscreen, lower cowling and horizontal stabilizer. No oil on the prop. This is new as I flew it before the annual and no problem. I know there are lots of threads on this which I have read :-)
The mechanic said the prop seal and crank seal looked good. However, my question is, is it possible for the O-Ring (often forgotten I hear?) behind the prop seal to be bad, or forgotten, and for it to leak out of the space between the spinner and prop? I feel convinced that’s where it’s coming from. If the O-ring was forgotten I feel like there would be much more oil since it’s only a very small amount. Just trying to pinpoint the source…
There is also a small amount of oil leaking from the top of the engine case from one of the bolts which is shown in the picture attached. I’ve read about the engine compartment airflow theories… I flew the plane for about 15 minutes after cleaning the engine and you can see how much oil leaked out. Could this also be the likely cause?
I just don’t want to spend $$$ and time hunting down very small leaks if I shouldn’t be worrying about them…. Or maybe I should be worrying?
Thanks in advance! Very appreciative of what a great resource Moonespace is.
Lane Jacobs