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Bob R.

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  1. My plane is at SWTA having a new engine installed. Unsure as to exact completion date. Expected to be within the next couple weeks. I'm looking for someone with break in experience who would fly with me during the initial 3-4 hours. The airplane is at Smithville Crawford/84R airport. This is a zero time reman engine. TSIO-360-MB2B.
  2. Just finished my interior update. Done by UniCraft Interiors at KLRU. They do great work and prices are reasonable. Would recommend without hesitation. Seats were previously done by Powell Interior at KPRC. The rest of the interior was completed by UniCraft.
  3. Has anyone used AAE in Collinsville for engine overhaul? Looking for feedback. Was quoted 5-6 months for my Continental TSIO-360. Any input is appreciated.
  4. My 1986 252 is over TBO. While running great I think the time for a new or reman engine is getting closer. Not sure what to do. Has anyone recently had success with replacing their engine. Looking for help. Thanks
  5. I need the same part for my 1986 252. Part of the #2 plastic broke. I've ordered through LASAR but they estimate 2-3 weeks. Not sure how good that estimate is. If anyone knows where the split alternator rocker switch can be found, please advise. Thanks
  6. My plane came out of annual with the pilot seat armrest pins sheared off. Don't know how it happened and my mechanic wasn't forthcoming with much info. I was able to get a part number. Any suggestions? I'm thinking the only way to find one is from salvage. Posting pics of the armrest, the side of the left front seat and what is used to look like.
  7. Had a snow squall warning this morning. Blew through around 5-6am. At least 3 planes damaged at KSAF.
  8. My Avionics blower fan, part C414007-0101 made by Globe Motors has died. Appears the part is no longer made and I can't find anyone that still has a new one. Any suggestions for replacement? Thanks
  9. I'm being told I can't upgrade PFD to GI-275 because it's not legal with an Avidyne 440. Any suggestions. G5 is not fully compatible with my KFC 150 AP. Thanks
  10. My engine is nearing TBO. Currently running great with very little oil consumption. However I'm beginning to explore options for overhaul for when she tells me its time. Anyone with recent experience? Shop recommendations? Overhaul suggestions? Southwest/West Coast would be most convenient. Thanks everybody.
  11. Perfect. I just sent an email to Savvy before I read your reply. Do you remember how much they charged?
  12. Any recommendations for a 1986 Mooney 252 prebuy in either Tucson or PHX area? Thanks

    1. N201MKTurbo


      Well, there is Frank at Chandler Aviation. He is an MSC. There is Troy at AVQ Tucson Air Center. Not an MSC, but  knows about Mooneys. I could do it except my hangar has an engineless Mooney in it that can’t be moved easily. If you can’t find anyone, let me know and I’ll find a space.

    2. Bob R.

      Bob R.

      Frank at Chandler Aviation is the one that did the last annual in October. I've received opinions both ways as to if I should use him. 


      The plane is at Ryan Field in a hangar. If the owner would agree, would you be agreeable to do the pre buy there? Sometime between Jan 21-27. If so, how much do you charge? What all would you do?  Thanks

  13. Any recommendations for a pre buy, Mooney 252k?
  14. Is it possible to add a step to a 1980 M20K. I'm told it did not come with one so as to get additional speed. How would it be attached? Looking for any suggestions or possibly someone who has done this. Thanks
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